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Need some help.....

Delusional Kisses

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I am trying my best to move on from a really heartbreaking breakup. I know that I need to dust myself off and get back out there and start dating, but I've never been much of a "dater". As I've been told many times before, I take things too casual too long and I am friend-zoned quickly, but I like to be friends first and foremost. Its very important to me that I am comfortable with someone before I consider them a potential date. Therefore, I tend to find my interest in already existing friendships. Is this a good idea? Probably not, but nevertheless, I am coming here for advice on how to flirt with a friend....so help me out!

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Your sentiments on dating are very similar to my own.

It's impossible for me to imagine being with someone that I could not first see as a friend.


However, there's "dating" as in courting someone with definite romantic intentions, and then there's "dating" that's more about getting to know one another and seeing how things click.


Do you think that maybe you are limiting yourself by only considering existing friendships?

It can't hurt to go out on "dates" with new people, and give yourself a chance to know them better.

If you can relax and allow yourself to go out on dates without attaching any expectations for yourself, you may actually find that you're more of a "dater" than you believe yourself to be.


Don't worry too much about being friend-zoned, or being too casual... the right person will be okay with allowing things to progress naturally.


Dating a friend can indeed be a good idea, but only if the two of you are on the same page.

Is there one friend in particular that you fancy?

If so, then how you approach flirting with that friend will depend entirely on that particular person's personality (and your own), and how the two of you interact already.

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