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hi everyone im back. and i have a new problem. is he too old

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hey guys,

um i haven't been on the site for a while now because of a bunch of family crap and i just haven't been really able to talk to anyone or give any advice so i stoped coming, hope someone knows who i am...

well everything is smoothing out now and getting good again. im finally starting to let go of the fact my ex doesn't want anything to do with me anymore. well heres the deal, i went to babysit my sisters baby 2 nights ago and she has a bunch of room mates that come and go through out the day. well i met one and he is really awesome. i think that he is really cool and he was like totally sweet to me all night, he helped me watch audrey and when i put her to bed i was in the liveing room totally bored and he walked in and started singing to me , just out of the blue. he was trying to sing all the songs he could with my name in them. it was way cute. well i really want to go on like a date with him, and my dad says i should ask him, only one problem... im just turning 17 and hes like 20-23. dad says it doesn't matter and that hes a really cool 8) guy so i should ask him. only even if i did decide to ask him wouldn't that be odd , i mean i have heard that that kind of makes guys not like that girl if they ask. but i mean i don't see what the big deal would be to ask him to go hang out or come with me to a movie or bowling, do you? i don't know ... can someone please tell me what they think.

thanks a bunch,

love Qtpie87

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Glad to hear that things are worked out for you and your family business. Of course welcome back, and yes I remember who you are. If you dad is giving you the advice to ask him out that gives you permission that he thinks it is okay that you do. Meaning the age thing with you being a minor is not going to be a problem with him. If it was that could cause trouble for the guy. I don't see a problem with seeing if he wants to hang out, go to the movies, go bowling or whatever. Some guys like it and especially in the situation with you being a minor he may be afraid to ask. I say go for it. Good Luck!

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