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Tell all: taller women


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Hot, Hot, HOT.


I'm 6 ft. My only problem with taller women is if they're insecure about it, or won't wear heels because of it.


I used to wear heels but when dating a shorter boyfriend (than myself).. I almost feel like it wouldn't be the same "sexy" thing to do for your guy as it would be with a taller guy. My foot is F-d up right now anyways though :splat:


As for salsa, I like a guy close enough to my height that things can. .. line up.

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I used to wear heels but when dating a shorter boyfriend (than myself).. I almost feel like it wouldn't be the same "sexy" thing to do for your guy as it would be with a taller guy. My foot is F-d up right now anyways though


As for salsa, I like a guy close enough to my height that things can. .. line up.



Yeah, if the guy's shorter even without heels I can see it maybe being an issue. Ask him. What heels do for a woman's legs and butt I think is worth admiring no matter her height.


It's not just salsa lessons that line up better for me with a taller girl.


Best wishes for your foot healing.

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Yeah, if the guy's shorter even without heels I can see it maybe being an issue. Ask him. What heels do for a woman's legs and butt I think is worth admiring no matter her height.


It's not just salsa lessons that line up better for me with a taller girl.


Best wishes for your foot healing.


He doesn't find it to be an issue without heels. Sometimes I do feel like he would be happier with a shorter girl though. Probably me projecting.

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I'm average height so most taller girls would be around the same height as me. which is fine because same height relationships are underrated. Long legs are nice too.


SuzyQ, if your boyfriend was unhappy with you being taller than him, trust me, he wouldn't be dating you. Some guys go cold turkey when the prospect of dating a girl taller than themselves comes up. I personally would be ok dating a woman couple inches taller, like a tad shy of 6ft. but I admit any more than that would feel awkward.

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I'm average height so most taller girls would be around the same height as me. which is fine because same height relationships are underrated. Long legs are nice too.


SuzyQ, if your boyfriend was unhappy with you being taller than him, trust me, he wouldn't be dating you. Some guys go cold turkey when the prospect of dating a girl taller than themselves comes up. I personally would be ok dating a woman couple inches taller, like a tad shy of 6ft. but I admit any more than that would feel awkward.


I don't think he is unhappy with my height. But it is like the difference between good enough and what somebody actually wants. More so though, I do wonder if heels would be a problem. When my foot gets better (if ever.. it have been MONTHS), I like to wear myself some stiletto leather boots..

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So, I have been thinking about height lately. Growing up, I always wanted to be taller. But hey, isn't that what kids want? Now, I'm slightly torn about my height (5'9"). I'm looking for some honesty here. How do you guys feel about taller women?


Generally speaking, I prefer my partner to be no taller than myself. It's hardly a rule, nor is it a deal-breaker, but it is a preference. Why? I guess a person could psycho-analyze that preference in any number of ways, but for my part, a woman taller than myself just seems somehow less ... feminine. It's a preference, nothing more, and easily overcome at that - should her other qualities strike a chord with me.

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Ive never personally found height as a problem - at the moment I am 6' 6", and my girlfriend is 5' 5", never been a problem for either of us.

I grew up tall so height was never much of a problem in a sense - It doesn't matter to me because in my eyes height is nothing! you can get that idea when you get tall

or you can think that height is everything, like a 6' 9" friend of mine, sadly not a quality character

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Ive been a bit like you, on the taller side, and ive found men dont approach me as much as some friends that are of average height...


im 5"11 with out shoes....i tend to wear heels, so im 6ft! It sucks but i cant date a man shorter than 6"2. I have and i felt really uncomfortable. Ive dated men who are 6"6 and 6"4. lol


but be happy with your height. i have a lot of short friends. One is barely 5ft, and she hates it.

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I'm 6'1/4" tall (actually 6'1" with shoes) and I love dating tall women. I've dated short wome but I feel like a meercat when we are dancing or walking down a romantic setting with my arm over he shoulder and her arm around my mid to lower back. It just feels weird. I decided many years ago to date women that are 5'6" or 5'7" to 5'11" tall because it's very much a pleasure to show affection, walk and dance with a lady I can see eye to eye.

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I didn't think any women were self-conscious about being tall. I mean I remember that girl from Saved by the Bell was, but that was just TV. Being tall is a good quality.


Probably because there is often a mentallity that short=cute and feminine. I have been told by some girls I look like an "amazon" like the Williams sisters. .. I'm NOT as large as they are. .. But maybe they are just jealous

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nice midget crack, guitargirl.


I'm 5'8", so I generally wouldn't approach a girl that tall, especially if she had heels on. But it's not like tall girls date average to shorter guys like myself, so my point here is effectively moot.


I had a date with a girl that was 5'7" just the other day. I was a little put off by it. I'm pretty sure I won't be doing that again.

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