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Post here instead of contacting your ex!

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I still miss you but it's getting better - I don't have that urge to contact you, on the contrary, the thought of hearing from/about you just scares the hell out of me. I have had enough of this, I know you feel relieved, and so do I.


I feel like this..i'm starting to not want to see my ex...i only have weak moments when i feel lonely.

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Today I saw our mutual friend and she told me that you aren't the same person that you used to be. She said that towards the end of our relationship, you weren't smiling or laughing as much. It turns out that a month and a half later, you still aren't smiling or laughing as much. Why? Were you actually serious when you told me that you weren't over the break-up? Were you actually telling me the truth and I didn't believe it?


Did you ever really love me? All the people that we know will tell you that you were crazy about me. You even made yourself look like a fool. At first, I really believed that you loved me. But then you lied and completely betrayed my trust. I forgave you and you lied again.Why did you do that? I could never forgive you after that. I saw us having a future together but your lies completely shattered that dream. Do you know how bitter that made me? How could I have looked lovingly into your eyes knowing that you could have possibly betrayed me again?


Was I too hard on you? Or were you the one who was too hard on yourself? You tried to change yourself for me and that's not what I wanted. What I wanted was for you to be open with me but instead you fed me lies and excuses. I even told you that I'd rather hear the truth. Somehow you just didn't listen.


It's funny how you blamed me for everything though.

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It's easier on the night for some reason...maybe i don't feel so alone..i know i'l be crying again tomorrow during the day...you were the person that i truly believed in and now its gone...its easier for you because you've moved on and i'm just stuck...you don't think about that because you don't care...always love me and look after me you don't even see what's happening right now

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I'm so worried about the future on my own...it wasn't meant to be this way you know that...if mom and dad were still here it would be o.k for me...i wouldn't want to see you at all because i don't now..but i still need you at the moment and you know that yet you won't put it first and let me move on....i let you keep our main car as long as you sold the other one...i found a buyer myself and yet you still let me down...for gods sake you don't want me anymore let me move on

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I can't believe how I've let YOUR actions define MY health! Urgh!


I'm awake at 5am and have been awake since 12.30am after about 2 hours sleep. I haven't even been thinking about you a great deal today. Then, after lying in bed awake so long and wearing out my phone battery reading the news online and whatnot, my thoughts turned to you. Not in a slushy or romantic way, but I'm angry at myself for being in this position. Where I can't sleep properly still and my planned outing today will be affected by that, and that I've lost weight and a lot of my figure. Even though my mood has greatly improved the last couple of weeks (apart from the odd low moment) I'm still nowhere near where I want to be.


Yes, I do still miss you, and my thoughts did turn to thinking that you'll be in some characterless hotel room alone at the other side of the country tonight, but the amount I care about that is negligible. Maybe I'm subconsciously worrying about seeing you on Saturday (I'm not sure how to approach it and what to say yet) although it's not at the forefront of my mind, and that's why I can't sleep?


Anyway, this sleepless night has made me realise I need to put my personal health higher up my list of priorities. You'll see what you're missing on Saturday regardless. Take care.

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Its been a couple of months now. Sometimes i wonder if we will ever talk again? I know from my side, we could never be friends, our feelings ran too deep for that.


It really sucks having someone be a part of your life for so many years, then to act like we never knew each other, like strangers. I try very hard not to think of you these days, and it was hard not responding to your birthday text. It makes me so sad, because i KNOW we could have found happiness together, and not thrown all those years away.


But at the end of the day, you made the call to move on, and i have to accept that. I care for you deeply, and as you said to me in your text, i too will always love you. I realise that i have to just let you go, to find out what it is that you desire by yourself. I wish you find all the happiness you deserve.


Just wish we could have done it together sweety. Take care.

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Day 3)... i got a FB message from him yesterday saying... Hi.. hope your keeping well and looking after yaself with a kiss.. I didnt reply... We havent poken for two weeks now though but im counting this as day 3 cause i peeked at his FB 3 days ago.. Thing is here he told me he had deactivated his FB but he had only changed the password as u could still find him.. he hasnt been on there at all but must of gone on there yesterday... Our last conversation was 2 weeks ago where it was calm but i was trying to convince him to be together.. he was saying the usual.. we will never be together and i dont want us anymore.. that he knew i wanted us together but it wasnt going to happen. I asked had he met someone ( i already knew he had 4 days after our split).. he said "Im talking to someone getting to know them".. that hurt so no more contact.. but my question here is.. why the txt.. It cant be cause hes feeling guilty cause he didnt care what he said to me on the phone during our conversation.. As far as he is concerned though he thinks we are still friends.. Do u all think that he is just sending this txt as a friendly txt???. But i keep anylysing as he used to txt every other day at first or call out of the blue but hasnt done any of these things since 2 weeks ago.. nor did he say happy birthday to my son (who he treated as a stepson) or did he come to watch him play football which he said he would do.. link removed help please on this .. What do you all think this txt is about

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you will always be my mr. perfect. why did you treat me so well? why cant i find anything wrong with what you did in our relationship? 'cos you were bloody perfect thats why. you will be making someone else so happy right now. I will NEVER get that again. from anyone.

I love you. I hate you.

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I love you more than words can describe. Why did you leave me out here in the cold? You're having the time of your life right now while I'm a broken man. I just want to prove to you that I can be the man of your dreams. I can make you eternally happy. I will be there for you when you fall to pick you off the ground and carry you through the difficult times. If only you'd give me another chance and contact me...

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I had a bad dream about you last night...it woke me up at 3.30am and seemed so real...i can still remember it now.....you've took all my hope and dreams with you because they were you...i never thought you would do this to me not you...you were my one ray of sunshine and you don't even care anymore...it's almost like your happy i'm so miserable

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I want to hold you so much. It's ripping me apart. We were so happy, why don't you want to try again. I don't understand. I'll be anything you want me to be. I'd do anything for you. I wanted to be your wife and the mother of your children. I would build a happy home and be faithful to you and love you always. I was nothing but good to you. I never even thought about anyone else let alone do anything with anyone one else. I compromised EVERYTHING for you and you couldn't even spend the night with me.


Remember what I gave up for you? Remember sailing away from my home, holding me on the boat, telling me you would always be there for me, not to worry, you love me so much, you will be all I need. Now you're gone. You've left me here with nothing and noone. How can you do this. How can you not care. I hate you for coming into my life, loving me so hard and then breaking my heart beyond repair.


I ache for you so much darling, I love you so so much. Please come back to me and love me. I know you still do.

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I'm realizing more and more that I don't need closure. You are the type who doesn't want to keep fighting for what you want. The truth is that I am much stronger than you. You weren't comfortable enough in your own skin and whenever I told you that something was bothering me, you took it as a direct attack and tried to pin the blame on me. The truth is that you were never completely comfortable around me. You were always scared that I would leave because you thought I could get any guy that I wanted. Because of this, you forced yourself to be someone you weren't and lied and told me things I wanted to hear just so that I would stay. That ended up pushing me further away and caused me to become bitter. It didn't work. The only reason you put ALL the blame on me at the end is because being with me brought out your inner demons. Being with me forced you to face who you really are and you hated that.


Maybe one day, when you start to let go of your insecurities and anger, you will realize that I wasn't the enemy. Maybe you will realize that I actually did love you.

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8 week anniversary today (almost to the second) since you sent me that rubbish email finishing with me. A massive part of me wants to still reprimand you so badly for doing it that way when we live a mile at most from each other. And actually, I think that's where I went wrong, I namby-pambyed around you so much because I never wanted to upset you, but DAMN! I did it all wrong! You are a confusing, restrictive, puzzle of a man. You always said you were a simple creature and you come accross that way to most, but I know you're not. And that's why I fell in love with you.


Sometimes, after we have split up, sometimes I think in a small way you're relishing this long drawn out drama, although no-one would ever think that of you as you come accross so sensible and grounded. But I know how you revelled in the drama of how we got together, the late night taxi rides to my house, the cryptic FB activity, the walking home at 4am when you had work the next day. And then it led to Friday nights in front of the TV with a supermarket pizza. Maybe you want the drama again?


Saturday is last chance saloon, sweetheart. I'm scared but it's what I know I have to do.

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