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Turn Offs

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I am finding that as well.


Two women I know fancy my best friend. I am not even on the radar. Mind you, I don't fancy them either but I know exactly were you are coming from.


With girls:


Turn off: When the girl plays mind games trying play hard to get.


Turn off: To much bling bling! Ditch the ton of jewellry.You don't look sexy.


When you get older, turn offs will be:


Turn off: My ex owned a Ferrari. What do you drive?

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Turn offs:

1. When a guy cusses too much.

2. When he can't carry on an intellegent conversation, without using the f word.

3. When a guy road-rages too much.

4. When he tries to act tough, or shovenistic!

5. When they dance all weird and wacked out. I.E.-Grinding, or Stiff-like movements.

6. When a guy tries to dress up like a gangster, and talks like one, when he's already past the age of 21.

7. When a guy is NOT 'goal' oriented.

8. When he's NOT a good listener.

9. When a guy's more into his looks than I am! I hate pretty boys. They're sooo into themselves.

10. When we're shopping, and he wants to hit up on places like BCBG to look at stuff for himself. Shopping is mostly for women.

11. WHEN A GUY TALKS ABOUT HIMSELF TOO MUCH, without regarding the other person's emotions!

12. When a guy tries to act like someone who he's NOT!

13. When a guy uses too many mack lines.

14. When a guy looks at porn too much. Porn is okay, but not excessively.

15. When a guy DEGRADES women, by making SEXIST remarks!

16. When a guy cannot arrive on time.

17. Selfishness! Not knowing how to share.

18. Cowardness- Not admitting to his wrongdoings!

19. Insensitivity to others. I.E. Homeless People, or Obese individuals.

20. Inconsiderateness- When he thinks that the world revolves only around him.


I just wanted to point out one thing though, there are lots of dislikes, but the ultimate thing that I admire in a guy is maturity, intellegence, senstivity, mixed with a little bit of masculinity, a guy who knows what he wants in life, and someone with good family values!

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Turn offs:


1. Girls acting as if they have superiority over everyone else

2. Girls purposely trying to show how intelligent they are - all the time

3. Girls afraid to squash a bug because it looks 'icky'

4. Girls lacking in clothing style (sweatpants, ripped/torn clothing - dont get me wrong some girls can make this look good but the majority really can't)

5. Girls who shop excessively (i mean like every day sort of thing)

6. Girls overweight trying to fit into tight, skimpy clothes

7. Girls with negative attitudes towards people they've never met

8. Girls with the same routine (i like going places, but change it up once in a while!)

9. Girls using guys to get to their friends (i don't mind helping girls out with my friends, but if they use one of my friends to get to me that's just showing how desperate they are)

10. Girls who listen to rap and enjoy the ideas of whores, pimps, and excessive wealth (i wonder if they realize that they're white?)




I have to disagree with you on one mahlina... "shopping is mostly for women" is a pretty sexist remark. Guys get bored following girls around while they look at clothes. One reason is they don't always know what they're looking for, so the look for hours and hours. Guys? We figure out what we want go in and buy it in a manner of 5 or 10 minutes, clean and simple shopping at its best. If you can't stand going shopping with a guy try being a guy and shopping with a girl... it's a whole different perspective.

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One reason is they don't always know what they're looking for, so the look for hours and hours.
My apoligies on the sexist remark, however, I referred it into context of MY OWN personal experience. No doubt, it's understandable for men to sit around and get bored while women shop, so they look around for stuff that they like. But, my situation is different! I did NOT like the guy who I went out with. All he ever did was talk about himself, his own problems, and ALWAYS looked at stuff that he wanted to look at, I.E. suits from Kenneth Cole, Boss ETC. That bugged the heck out of me. What made it even worse was the fact that he ALWAYS looked in the mirror to check himself out! Literally! In the car, at the malls, in the reflections off of the window....!


thereforeeee, in that context, he's being overly absurd about his shopping experience! (more so than most women!) We didn't even check out the stores that I liked. I hate guys who are too into themselves! I prefer a guy who's a 'relaxed joe,' who can dress up in casual clothing like khakis, and shorts, without having the need to dress up like a Pretty Boy all of the TIME! That's what he did, and that's what annoyed me! I should be more concerned about dressing up more than him.


One more thing, I don't like to go shopping everyday. He did! And that's all the he ever spoke about, "____, Lets go check out Nordies.." Heck, I don't even have enough money for Nordstroms. Let alone, do I ever bother shopping there, because I'm not even the Name Brand type of Person that he is. Just to clarify my story!

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Guys who have to keep an argument going, and going, and going, and going, and going, HEY i like to shop, FOR OTHER PEOPLE! Does that count huh? Not being too selfish am I! Maybe people with the same routines like it that way. Maybe it fits them some people are plain janes out there some aren't you have to respect that right there. What if they are afraid to change the norm? I did that once bad mistake, should have stuck to my usually corn cake snack at the grocery store but no instead I had to reach for those stupid hot cheetos, one i can take spciy, to I regurgitated! Guys don't always have to be with a girl while she shops, go make mischief and get caught with the mall guards or say you'll meet her here at this time cuz u want to go do something else. There are other solutions. Some girls know exactly what they are looking for. Its not a matter of direction, tell me this do gay guys know exactly what they want when the step foot in a store? They are still guys! So thereforeeee that is a steriotypical remark! BAM!-laur P.S. what is the "I wonder if they realise they are white". Are you prejudice? Get back to me on that

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Hey people, thought id join in!!



Turn offs in men:


1) Men who think its a ''mans world''

2) shovenistic pigs

3)woman beaters

4) men that think they can have whoever they want without having to do much for it except throw a few sexist comments your way.

5)men who spit!! yuk!!

6) men that smoke cigars


Thats my list!! But generally i do LOVE men, the world wouldnt be the same without them!!



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2) shovenistic pigs


i think it's spelt more like chauvinist, although i'm not sure if that's completely correct. i'm pretty sure it's a c anyway


i hear the phrase "chauvinist pig" used a lot but most people i ask (who use it) don't actually know what chauvinist means


for me, the turn offs are


1) When girls try to play mind games with you (eg, make you jealous by flirting with another guy while you're around, even if they don't really mean it).


2) When girls are too shy.


3) When a girl is criticising things all the time, especially when it's superficial stuff (eg "that guy is so fat" or "that woman has so many wrinkles". i've heard a few girls (not many) say stuff like that, and i just don't want to see them again).

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few more for the list:


1. when girls use words they dont know the meaning of to try and sound intelligent.


2. when the demean themselves by wearing excessively low cut tops and skirts that could be passed off as belts!


3. girls who know they're hot and flaunt it in everyones face


4. shallow/vain/materialistc girls

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Turn offs:


1. Shallow or materialistic women


2. Women who constantly whine/nag


3. Mind games


4. Drama queens


5. Too much jewelry


6. Women who don't listen, but wait for their turn to talk


7. Ignorance (racism, homophobia, ect.)


8. Snootiness (a great way to respond to women who are like this is to say "meow" when they are being mean to someone they don't know! That really sets em' off! )

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1) When girls try to play mind games with you (eg, make you jealous by flirting with another guy while you're around, even if they don't really mean it).



only this one is a turn off for me(but it is a big deal,you know what i mean )

Can anyone tell me the reasons behind the human nature acting to make someone being loved jeaolous?

i can guess it but somehow i cant get it

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Turn OFFs


in no particular order:


1. women who smoke

2. women who string guys along

3. women who care more about their cell phones and their callers than

the people they are with.

4. women who trash men in front of other men. (Of course, same goes for

guys who trash women. Grow up!)

5. sarcasm. (a little goes a long way)

6. low self-esteem.

7. too much make up.

8. women with poor posture. (see below)

9. women who quote scripture and try to convert everyone they meet.

10. nose rings, lip rings, or tattoos. (see below)

11. couch potatos.


Turn ONs


1. women who stay fit.

2. women who speak of everyone with respect, or who say nothing at all

if they have nothing good to say.

3. quiet, shy, bookish types can be the sexiest of all!

4. glasses. (the right pair of lenses on the right face...oh my gosh.)

5. good posture. (says something about a woman's confidence)

6. belly buttons (and the rings in them!!!!)

7. women who are personally ambitious, but who care less about money

than in improving themselves.

8. women who engage in a little dirty talk during sex. (sorry, I had to

confess this, eventually)

9. brunettes.

10. women who let guys watch sports without dissing it. (and women who like sports themselves.)



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Forgot to add one more thing...Guys who put other women down, just for purpose of good laughs. That's what I mean by chauvenistic (mispelled earlier). When they repeatedly, exert dominance over the oppossite sex, to make themselves look stronger, tougher, or smarter, by making snide remarks, publicly, or privately! Not cool at all!! That just proves arrogance!


Turn ON's

1. Guys who are senstive to others needs, including his own.

2. Men who do not hit women. (bad experience)

3. Men who look out for women, and protect them, even behind their backs.

4. Men who have a ton of wisdom, someone who's good with advice.

5. Men who do not take others for granted.

6. Men who are considerate, and respectful to their elders. I love a guy, who respects his elders, especially his grandparents! I dislike men who speak poorly of their grandparents, as if they're a hassle.

7. A guy who's open-minded, tender-hearted, caring, and compassionate, and with a sense of humor!

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1) When girls try to play mind games with you (eg, make you jealous by flirting with another guy while you're around, even if they don't really mean it).



only this one is a turn off for me(but it is a big deal,you know what i mean )

Can anyone tell me the reasons behind the human nature acting to make someone being loved jeaolous?

i can guess it but somehow i cant get it


i guess they just want you to want them more by not letting you take them for granted or something.


it is a big deal for me as well.

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Can anyone tell me the reasons behind the human nature acting to make someone being loved jeaolous?
It's called immaturity. Some girls who do that, do that to their boyfriends for attention. Otherwise, they're just naturally outgoing like that. If a girl that you're going out with, does this to you, perhaps, it's her method to see how much you care for her. I think in that case, she needs to grow up, and be upfront about things. If this is happening too many times, then communicate to her that it's bothering you. If things don't change, then perhaps, you're better off without her. Psycho Jr., if she's doing that to you, then you deserve someone better. Someone who will treat you right, without the putting you through these mind-games.


Hope this Helps!


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Can anyone tell me the reasons behind the human nature acting to make someone being loved jeaolous?
It's called immaturity. Some girls who do that, do that to their boyfriends for attention. Otherwise, they're just naturally outgoing like that. If a girl that you're going out with, does this to you, perhaps, it's her method to see how much you care for her. I think in that case, she needs to grow up, and be upfront about things. If this is happening too many times, then communicate to her that it's bothering you. If things don't change, then perhaps, you're better off without her. Psycho Jr., if she's doing that to you, then you deserve someone better. Someone who will treat you right, without the putting you through these mind-games.


Hope this Helps!



This also happens when an immature chick, who is dating a guy she is not happy with, is trying to recapture a guy she previously rejected (and that she misjudged, and regrets it) ... in other words, confused behaviour, lack of love for herself, yada, yada ...



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