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too close of a friend

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hello everyone. "jane" and i became friends this year, and since then, every guy i've liked, screwed around with, or been with sexually, she has done one of the 3 with. with a couple of them that was just how it went, but then it kept happening. most recently, an old of ex of mine, we still love each other, well we finally had sex for the first time. then, a few weeks later, jane and this guy have sex too. that was the last straw. i kept my anger in check, because jane kept telling me nothing happened but i had a strong feeling she was lying... (sadly, my gut feelings are usually right) a few days later she finally admits they had sex and adds "you're right, _____ does have a big ****" and starts talking about them having sex. i was mad and just confused about how i felt, because it seems every guy i like ends up having sex with her, i felt like crying but i didn't. i haven't talked to her since, because i don't like the situation anymore and it seems when we're friends all guys see us a two-fer. Do you think this was wrong of me?



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Yeah, lose her as a friend! She obviously doesn't care about you. You're still young and you'll find plenty more friends who'll actually help you with your relationships, instead of trying to cut in on them. It's funny, I've always thought your early teens are the time when you figure out who your friends are, as you discover yourself.


Don't waste your energy on the 'Jane'. She sounds like an attention seeker, and she'll probably only learn when she starts to lose her friends anyway.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Did you ever think that every guy she liked, screwed around with, or been with sexually you have done one of the 3 with. The kind of popularity you are earning is not the kind you want to be labelled with. Sex is wonderful but save it for that wonderful guy that you will spend your life with. Don't risk getting any STDs or a pregnancy.

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Each individual is a library with many stories to tell. Some contribute memories & others create character. Be giving & forgiving. Be remembered as the girl with something special. You have a lot more of life to live so remember we can't all be outstanding but we can be upstanding. "Two men look through the same bars. One sees the darkness, the other the stars." I hope I have helped some & want you to know that there are people that care about you & your feelings. Be good.

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