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Perhaps the final wall in my way. help please

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Hey, well lately I've been calling the girl I really like. The sucky part is that once we start getting into a deep convo, her cell phone goes off and I have to call later, which I do but she already zipped away either because it was her job that called or one of her friends needed a ride or something. After calling and being told to call back, I do usually with fail and I wait a day or two. What I really want to do is ask her to do something one day, but since I only started calling her 3 weeks ago, I feel its not the right time and I want to get at least a weeks worth of calling or seeing eachother before doing something like we use to do.


I actually have 2 questions:


1.) How often should I call her after getting through or whatever without becoming annoying?


2.) When and how should I ask her to do something?

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The problem you have is simple. And so is the solution.


Call her.

Whenever it is convenient to you.

Dont chat.

Ask her out.

Straight away.


How on earth is this girl supposed to know thats what you want if you dont ask her.

And make it a friendly date not a hot night out so she can back out if thats not what she wants from you.

But you must find out so that if she isnt interested you can devote your call time to someone who is.

You sound like a sweet guy so hang in there

With Love


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