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Please give me some advice

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OK I am in highschool and me and this girl have benn on and off for a little over 2 years now. Weve gone out a few times and broken up but have managed to stay together. I know most of you are going to laugh at me because i am young but I think i really actually do love her. No matter how much we fight i cant stand being without her. Now i will admit that i like to joke around a lot which sometimes does cause her to be mad and I do get jelous when she hooks up with other guys even when were not together which also gets her mad. The other thing is like 2 years ago and even like last year i lied to her a few times so now i always get the feeling she doesn;t really trust me anymore. Resently we were together but not going out and then we broke up. She actually hooked up with one of my best friends. I did get mad but i kept telling myself its none of my business anymore but then someone told her I called her a slut. On easter she called me up late at ngiht and really flipped out on me. She told me she can never believe anything i say anymore and she never has and that she wanted me out of her life along with many other things. The tuesday after easter one of her best firneds called me and made us talk becasue even thought she said she hated me she really told her best frined that she still loved me. We talked for a while and she said she was sorry and didn;t mean any of what she had said on easter and that she wants to maybe try and get back togehter after just a little bit of time as frineds. I know though that when your angry normally u dont make up things that u dont mean, normally you just say things to people that you wouldnt say when you didn't want to hurt their feelings. I am still kind of upset about what she said but i dont know if I should try and get back together with her. I really do love her but after what she said i just dont know....PLEASE HELP ME!!! I will take any advice


thanks a lot,


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Young realtionships are about trying and testing and it sounds like you and this young lady have done plenty of that to each other.

I believe you shoud try to be friends for a while. If it develops again start afresh with a clean slate. Talk to each other about the past and put it to rest. make a promise not to lie to her again and tell her so.

Be open and honest. Thank her for all the nice things she did for you and tell her what you like about her (not just her looks). DO NOT GET ANGRY OR OVER EMOTIONAL. This will drive her away.


Also and this is important..stop talking to your friends about each other (both of you) as you are creating muddy waters.

At worst you will end up being friends. At best you will be back together in a good relationship.

Be happy. Happy people are more lovable and if you are happy she will be drawn to you.

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