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My first gym membership.

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I've never been to a gym before and I'm not really sure what to expect.


My goals are:

1.) Go down 1 or 2 pant sizes (from 9 juniors to 7 or 5 juniors).

2.) To attain a toned physique, I don't want to have ridiculously big muscles, and I'd like to retain some of my sex appeal and I want my body to be slim and toned, not bulked up and muscley.

3.) Reduce cellulite.


Does anyone have any tips on what exercises and machines I should use? I don't even know how to use any of the machines yet but I've been given one free day with a trainer and she'll show me all of the machines and everything I guess.


The gym is pretty standard, it's got what you expect in it.

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Going to gym is a great idea. It will help you feel good about yourself.


I would also suggest that you try Shape Up shoes by Skechers. If you just wear them and walk that in itself provides a work-out. May be you wanna try them on the days when you do not hit the gym.

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The degree of equipment accessibility is what makes gyms different than home. However, just because there is a bunch of fancy, expensive gear, doesn't mean you can't get fit by doing some basic exercises that require very little equipment and work the whole body (or a major part). I found that most of the machines at a gym work something specific. Doing crunches at a decline with a medicine ball will get you working.


I walked almost two and a half miles today instead of taking a bus. I figured, if I have the time and it's a nice day, I may as well walk. Some people can work their arms to an extreme, but I am beginning to really value my legs.

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As I am studying to become a personal trainer, this is what I woudl recommend:


1) Cardio - so skipping, boxing, suicide runs, burpees, bike, treadmill, rowing, star jumps. This do 2 times a week.


2) toned physique - weight circuit - set of 7 exercises (12 reps) that will keep your heart rate up, but because of weights (light weights) it will tone you up really well. Do the circuit 3 times with a 2 min break in between. Basically - what I would recommend for you is:


Free weight shoulder press

Barbell curls or dumbell curls

seated shoulder press

tricep push downs

hamstring curls

medicine ball squats

ab crunches

seated rows

seated shoulder press

tricep dips



The above will give you good definition - i have left out chest exercises, because you mentioned that you wanted sex appeal - doing all these exercises you will lose fat anyway, but you will still retain your bust. Do this 2 times a week


So thats 4 days - id recommend 1 day on and 1 day off (break) - however, if you want to do 5 days, id recommend 5th day, brisk walk, or swim.


3) do both the above, and also try cryotherapy (once every 2 - 4 weeks). research is still being done on cryotherapy - but its said to reduce cellulite in women. I go to it once or 2 times a month to get a boost in energy.


The trainer will give you a better program based on your initial tests (i expect them to take measurements, heart rate etc)


The other thing is - 70% of you achieving goals is based on diet too. So if you want to lose fat and tone up - drop the carbs, eat lean meats, drink plenty of water, eat vegetables, and fruits. The "good stuff" - such as hamburgers etc - try and cut down on it - but if you must, the only thing id recommend is a cheeseburger 1 day of the week. This will help keep cravings under control. My guess though is that, when you see your changes, you will stop eating fatty foods, and you will be more focused on eating right.


hope this helps

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The above will give you good definition - i have left out chest exercises, because you mentioned that you wanted sex appeal - doing all these exercises you will lose fat anyway, but you will still retain your bust. Do this 2 times a week


I always thought chest exercises would prevent sagging and make the bust look better? I guess there's a lot I don't know. Thanks for taking the time to post your recommendation.

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I always thought chest exercises would prevent sagging and make the bust look better? I guess there's a lot I don't know. Thanks for taking the time to post your recommendation.


it depends on what you are looking for really. I guess, if you wanted to firm up your chest area, then i recommend dumbell presses, bench press (flat and incline) and dumbell pullovers. Its a bit hard to really say, as different women want different things so it depends on exactly what look you are going for.


perhaps you could do the cardio thing for 2 months, see how it goes, and then change your routine to tweak it better. The whole concept of training usually has lots of stages where you change your routine as you progress.


What i have given there is just an overall method of what you can do to start off with.

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I've never been to a gym before and I'm not really sure what to expect.


My goals are:

1.) Go down 1 or 2 pant sizes (from 9 juniors to 7 or 5 juniors).

2.) To attain a toned physique, I don't want to have ridiculously big muscles, and I'd like to retain some of my sex appeal and I want my body to be slim and toned, not bulked up and muscley.

3.) Reduce cellulite.


Does anyone have any tips on what exercises and machines I should use? I don't even know how to use any of the machines yet but I've been given one free day with a trainer and she'll show me all of the machines and everything I guess.


The gym is pretty standard, it's got what you expect in it.


Ask ghost69.


He is always talking about how he can give good workout/diet advice. He used to be a trainer, I think...? IDK, but ask him.


lol maroney. i could be a trainer i guess. *shrug* i used to bodybuild (6 months, forget that diet) and lift with power lifters. i've been in fitness for over 10 years now. i've picked up a lot.


but, OP, you really need to watch your diet. that's great you got a membership. *applause* 75% of fitness is diet. you want to tone, look up different parts of the body to work on. do a different area of your body each day and do cardio after. from a body building standpoint, getting shredded is best achieved on the stairmaster type machines. especially on the ones with the rolling stairs. you won't need to lift heavy weights and struggle lifting either, but don't be easy on yourself. make your muscles do work.


change your diet to more healthier foods and eat more meals with smaller portion size. try and eat around 1700 calories a day and try and eat more of that earlier in the day than later. i try and eat high protein type foods.

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2.) To attain a toned physique, I don't want to have ridiculously big muscles, and I'd like to retain some of my sex appeal and I want my body to be slim and toned, not bulked up and muscley.


Do not worry about this, I noticed many women have that fear, those women that look all bulky didn't get that way by going to the gym for an hour a day.

for them its almost a job.


don't be afraid of lifting some weights besides cardio.




Do do too much too soon, if your too sore you will be put off.


keep going no matter what, at first you may have to muster will power just to convince yourself to go to the gym. but after 2-4 weeks, it becomes a habit, after a few weeks you will actual look forward to going.

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ghost, can you be more specific and actually name the foods that are healthy to eat? i am trying to hit the gym as well


there are so many. main things to eat:


-fresh fruits (i prefer apples the most)


-grilled chicken breast

-tuna fish (not too much a week though as it's bad)

-2% milk with protein powder


my diet might not taylor to everyone, but you get some kind of idea. just make sure you look at calories on wrappers and such and don't try and have too much sugar either.

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there are so many. main things to eat:


-fresh fruits (i prefer apples the most)


-grilled chicken breast

-tuna fish (not too much a week though as it's bad)

-2% milk with protein powder


my diet might not taylor to everyone, but you get some kind of idea. just make sure you look at calories on wrappers and such and don't try and have too much sugar either.


cool.. thx bro..


i eat LOT of rice (white)... i guess its bad..

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since its your first time really tweeking your muscles, you want to be careful because your muscles will react quickly and you will show some muscle. My recommendation to you is to do high rep excersises. 4 sets of 20 to 30 reps for each work out. Do the stair stepper and treadmill. For eating eat a breakfast somewhat high in carbs for energy for the day but not large. 2 hours later eat a nutrigrain bar or some sort of nutrition bar or even fruit. lunch time eat something lean and low carb. 2 hours from that another healthy snack. Then for dinner, make it the healthiest meal of the day. After that you should be good for the night. Eating small meals every few hours apart speeds up your metabolism and burns fat faster.

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