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I will miss you, Sab...

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I know no-one has yet responded to my last topic but I'm afraid it's all too late anyway. Any hopes of saving the relationship between my girlfriend (I can't really say that now...) and myself have faded and when she leaves tomorrow, it seems that she will be leaving my life for good.


She wasn't able to give me back the love that I gave her and thought it to be the best thing to do instead of us trying to sort things out for another few years and still get nowhere. I know where she's coming from but it doesn't change the fact that I'm going to miss her terribly. I can't even begin to say how much this hurts...


It will be the hardest thing to let her go. I'm not even sure if I'll have the guts to go to the airport with her. I always cried when we said goodbye... only this time it's the goodbye - isn't it? I mean, how can I not go? But I always hated the moment when she disappeared through the gates. This time, I may never see her again.


I feel like I've lost my best friend and would like her to know that I would have done absolutely anything to keep her in my life and to make her happy with me... anything. For four and a half years, she has been my life and it will be colder and darker without her to light my future... at least until time inevitably starts to heal our wounds.


That said, I know that neither of us would rush into a new relationship. I'm not sure if I can be just a friend to her. How would I feel if she told me that she's found another guy and that she loves him? I know that it's an arguable point that by the time she finds that other special someone, I may have also found someone new (that is the hardest thing to think, let alone write or say). I'm just feeling so heart-broken at the moment, I can barely think.


I know that as time goes by, I will never forget her. Perhaps one day she may even realise she has made a mistake and want to get back together. I guess I'll silently wait and see what happens. I'm not sure if I'll ever be able to let her back into my life after this but then... letting her leave my life is going to be hell. So - you never know.


In either case, I hope she knows what she meant to me. I'll always be grateful for the time we had together but at the risk of sounding selfish, I really wanted a lot more. I wanted to have a family with her and to grow old with her. Now that won't happen and I'm lost without her.


Anyway... please think about us and anyone else out there who is in the same situation.

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I am so sorry to hear you are feeling such pain. I wish that I could say something to make it easier, but I can't. I can however, offer you some words of support. I felt the same pain after my b/f and I broke up after dating for 9 years. I woke up every morning hoping it was all a bad dream...., but it wasn't....and somehow I made it through each day. It's going on 5 years now since the breakup and I've discovered when one door closes, there is always another that opens. Allow yourself time to go through a healing process, maybe it's time to discover about youreself again...and "in time" consider makeing some changes as far as goals, career, etc. Do something special for yourself.


The good news is...you will get over it, you will move on..and even if you don't realize it now, it may be for the best. It turned out mine was. I'm happy to say I've recently fallen in love with someone very special, someone who is better for me, loves me back just as much and I now see that even if I had a choice, I'd rather be with my new b/f...but would have never had the opportunity to meet him had I not split with my ex. I doubt if any of this will make you feel better...but please remember that there is someone very special out there waiting for you!


Take care...


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  • 2 weeks later...

Hang in there! I am sorry for your heartbreak...Sadly enough I think everyone on this site has been there! I remember getting over the break up with my ex was the hardest thing I ever had to do..I was waiting for the day she would say i love you and i do see us ending up together..Well in the mean time i found someone who has changed my life..and in the mean time as well, i have found things out about myself I would have never known! you will too! this is not the end, but the beginning of something new and better! i know it doesn't feel like that now, but it will..dont get me wrong, it will take time! but your hurt will heal! and actually my ex did come back and say everything i had been hoping for..yet i didn't feel the same back.yes i loved her, but realized for myself that she was not the one for me..and i was not the one for her..and i have since met someone who i do see myself spending my life with..you will love again! you will have passion again! just hang in there!

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