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So I got her number, what now?


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When I get girl's number now I just tell her I'm going to call her the next day. That way it doesn't come off as desparate calling the next day cause I said I would. Some people say that you shouldn't say when you're going to call but it hasn't caused me any trouble so far. In your case I'd call the next day in the afternoon. And guynextdoor is right, no movie for the first date.

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call her up and see what she's up to this weekend. bs with her a bit about some random basic stuff. then see if she wants to go bowling, mini golf, or something. don't go to the movies. ^^^ and yeah what hockey said...i usually tell the girl when i'm going to call her when i get her number. also, i almost always call their phone on the spot with, 'here so you can get my number.' that way she gets your number so there is no, 'i don't know your number' excuse or it being a fake. lol

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NO NO NO No.. do not wait 3 days.


Please, for the love of (inser deity here!)do not do that.


I've known guys to do this and I think, "Is he trying to show he is oh-so busy and has important things to do that i'm going to think he must have a lot going in his life and oh how interesting he must be?"


any guy who waits 3 days I think is just plain not interested... or is playing games.. and that is so boring!


I like Jpo's suggestion! hahaha!

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Thanks, that is actually what I do. I don't have the best dating track record, but women seem to respond well to it.


yes, because it's funny and you're NOT doing the lame 3 day rule thing (pretending to be busy, so busy , you don't have time for a 17 second text message!) and shows you have a good sense of humour!!



I would respond well to that!

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What is this Swingers? Just call her when you want you are ready to call her, just don't call her incessantly!


One of my favorite movie scenes ever..


Hi, uh, Nikki, this is Mike. I met you at the, um, at the Dresden tonight. I just called to say that I had a great time... and you should call me tomorrow, or in two days, whatever. Anyway, my number is 213-555-4679


Hi, Nikki, this is Mike again. I just called cuz it sounded like your machine might've cut me off when I, before I finished leaving my number. Anyway, uh, and, y'know, and also, sorry to call so late, but you were still at the Dresden when I left so I knew I'd get your machine. Anyhow, uh, my number's 21 -


213-555-4679. That's it. I just wanna leave my number. I didn't want you to think I was weird or desperate, or... we should just hang out and see where it goes cuz it's nice and, y'know, no expectations. Ok? Thanks a lot. Bye bye.



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while i think jpo's idea is pretty slick, i think it's a bit weak. it says to me, 'can i call you pretty please cause i'm too weak to just man up and do it.' even though it sounds funny and flirty, i see it as weak. IMO


I agree.. if a guy says, "May I please call you?" same as "May I please kiss you?"


Both are lame and a turnoff.


but it is kind of funny... and I'm a female..and I would take it as an indication that he knows the 3 day rule is silly and immature...


He's not asking, 'So should I call you now or should I call you in 3 days. Please let me know. Regards, Jpo."



THAT would be lame!


and would know he was kidding..because no one is going to answer, "actually call me in 3 days"


Then SHE would be a basketcase.


My 2 cents!

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something better would be:


ring ring


she answers


'hey ____. how are you?'




'cool. thought i'd call you today and set something up because i think the 3 day rule is for suckas.'


go from there. not my general conversation, just polishing up the idea.

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I agree.. if a guy says, "May I please call you?" same as "May I please kiss you?"


Both are lame and a turnoff.


but it is kind of funny... and I'm a female..and I would take it as an indication that he knows the 3 day rule is silly and immature...


He's not asking, 'So should I call you now or should I call you in 3 days. Please let me know. Regards, Jpo."



THAT would be lame!


and would know he was kidding..because no one is going to answer, "actually call me in 3 days"


Then SHE would be a basketcase.


My 2 cents!


Yeah, I never thought of it as weak. I plan on calling her regardless, it is just sort of as a cute flirty thing to start things off well. The way you described is kind of the way I view it.


It seems to me that thinking weak/not weak in this case is just looking to far into the comment. Obviously it is just a flirty joke, and I have never had a girl take it the wrong way, many told me later that they thought it was cute and really liked it. To each his own though, I don't really plan on changing tactics, but I also think it is something that fits my personality well. You should always go with your instincts on this kind of stuff I think.

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Yeah, I never thought of it as weak. I plan on calling her regardless, it is just sort of as a cute flirty thing to start things off well. The way you described is kind of the way I view it.


My 2 c's...Jpo is spot on. humorous, a little humble, but straight to the chase.

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Yeah, I never thought of it as weak. I plan on calling her regardless, it is just sort of as a cute flirty thing to start things off well. The way you described is kind of the way I view it.


It seems to me that thinking weak/not weak in this case is just looking to far into the comment. Obviously it is just a flirty joke, and I have never had a girl take it the wrong way, many told me later that they thought it was cute and really liked it. To each his own though, I don't really plan on changing tactics, but I also think it is something that fits my personality well. You should always go with your instincts on this kind of stuff I think.


I think in most cases if a girl likes you, you have to do something pretty stupid to completely turn her off. So even if it did come off as "weak" it's not going to push her away anyways.

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something better would be:


ring ring


she answers


'hey ____. how are you?'




'cool. thought i'd call you today and set something up because i think the 3 day rule is for suckas.'


go from there. not my general conversation, just polishing up the idea.



Hey, I like that idea. Ill use it thanks.

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