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i need help im goin crazy plz help

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hey i need help i broke up with my g/f a month and something ago and i miss her so much she all what i think about. she just said she wanted to be single and she wasnt happy with me. well now she is happy and i miss her so much im happy that she is happy and not mad or sad anymore. like i treated her so good and everything. she hookin up with guys and stuff at parties and these guys just using her and stuff like now she thinks there her friends and she hangs out with them everyday. but i cant take it they just using her and there nothin i can do to stop it i hate seeing this happen to somone i love! she doesnt even miss me or anything i still call the odd time and everything and she does mean things to me like those guys called me up and made fun of me and were like dont cry and told me about them hookin up with her. im goin crazy all what i did was give this girl love and caed for her and everything and she goes and does this to me. she ripped out my hurt and spat on it and i dont know why i want her back. im goin fn crazy i love her and she doesnt love me back. she told me things got boring for her and everything. i just want to know if maybe we will ever get back and if so how do i get her back.like i love this girl to death and im 16 and i feel like im 30 cuz i only want to be with her. i just cant believe after a year and 8 months she can just forget about me and go and do all that. sometimes im hurt so much i want to like die. i cant sleep or anything. i would never kill myself though.

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You will find all this easier to deal with if you do the following:

Try not to mix in the same group all the time

make a list of all your strong points and the reasons you have to be happy with yourself. Pick three great things about yourself and use them as a mantra every day

See other friends as much as you can

Give yourself time. These break ups, horrible as they are do get easier with time.

You are a good person. You will find love again and you will find someone who deserves you.

Have faith in yourself.

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I don't think you should even be considering going back to this girl. Obvoiusly she doesn't care much, as her friends are calling you and making fun of you. Forget about her, it's probably the best thing for you.


I know it can be hard to get over a broken relationship, but im sure it will do you a world of good to just let this one go.


Take Care



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hey this is an email i sent her cuz i was talken t her on msn and her friends bein asses to me.


i never thought this would happen after we break up. it seems to me like u hate me and everything when all what i did was love you and try to make u the happiest person in the world. and for everything to be good for you. like i never realised how much stuff i bought u. i know money doesnt bring happeness but... it just that i dont know why u hate me and everything and u are doing this to me. i know u want it to be done and stuff. i wont call u anymore and stuff. i will let u be. u just have to tell me that. not this but just say it.


this is her comment


I DONT HATE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Your just so annoying right now, becuase i dont understand whta your going threw becuase i could get over it a lot easier then you have... or not been... i unno but your makin it harder analising it. i mean come on, who cares why it didnt work, the fact is it didnt and thats all that matters now right? i dont know matt, watever....

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Let her be for a while. No phone calls, no emails, no txt or IM's, no letters, NOTHING. Its called 'no contact' and it has seemed to work for several ppl here. Give it a shot. It aint easy, but it'll help you work things out. I promise.



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yeh i dunno and she says so mcuh stuffbehind my back i guess like about how she over me and all this shit. i guess she likes the attention or something. but f i dunno. thx though i tryin with no contact and shit. i called her up on sunday cuz she said she wanted to baby sit my lil cuz with her cuz she loves her and stuff. like she sound happy when i call her and stuff but then she talks behind my back. she is so confusing man. im just goin to ignore her and maybe if she does come back i wont want her or maybe i will. but i would make her fight and if she doesnt it her loose.

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