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I'm still having the same prolem..he wont go down on me

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Ok so i talked with him about it, but he still won't go down on me. Now i'm just trying to understand.



1) Why don't you like going down on a girl? (Is it her look, taste, smell?)

2) those who have gone down, how would you want a girl to tell you to do it (Like, how should she tell you to do it)

3) What was youre first time like?



1) How did you get youre guy to do it?


thank you!

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1) I love going down on girls. It makes me even hornier. Maybe he isn't into the whole way it feels to do it, like emotionally feels.


2) I would like her to jump on my face really. I think that is really hot. Or lick your finger and trace down your body to your *blank*. Then take his finger and lick it and trace it down. Dunno just draw his attention to down there I guess. (its hard cuz I like to do it, and my ex-girlfriend didn't want me to sometimes cuz it made her uncomfortable).


3) First experience was AWFUL. It tramatized me. Then the next girl I was with took a shower, and then I did it, and loved it. So it got me loving it. Then the kinky stuff started happening with it that made me get so horny with the whole thing.



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1) Some guys like it, some guys dont. But if there was a compelling reason that a guy doesnt like going down, its either the smell or taste or both. So maybe taking a shower first would be better. Also I think most guys have the misconception that going down on a girl means stuffing the tongue inside, which is wrong of course. The whole point of oral sex is clitoral stimulation (do I hear any naysayers?)


2)Sit on my face. Again its really a matter of personal preference, so experiment a bit. The girl should feel free to tell me where and how to do it.


3)My first time was bad, because it tasted awful. I never did it again with that ex. Then came my second ex, and it was wonderful. It really does make a guy horny if the girl enjoys it.

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ok i guess its a persons own opinion, sometimes people look at it as returning the favor which i dont think it should be, so i think really people should have the option of what it is they want to do. i dont tink you should pressure him inot doing anything which your not doing at the minute because your talking to him but id also leave the door open.

i guess i was a girl who never really wanted a guy to do that to me, but it just happened, i would force him like i said, leave him to enjoy it and one day he might ask to do it.



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Going down on a girl I love is my favorite thing in the whole world. I love it.


First time was with my first girlfriend. We dated for some 7 months, both of us virgins, then one night on my couch she had a skirt on and I kissed down her body, then from her calf up the inside of her leg to her ___.


The only reason I can see for not wanting to do it is if there's maybe an odor, which I've come accross myself before, try taking a shower and washing well with soap prior to having your b/f go down.


My favorite part is the twitching and the sounds and watching my girl get off. And the girls LOVE it.


I guess it really depends on the guy.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I guess I've always been lucky because her aroma arouses me & her taste tantalizes me & the sight of her most intimate entrance lures me. Ask him to taste your lips & after he gives you a wet kiss tell him you mean your other lips. If he hesitates it may be because he is too immature & afraid of the unknown. The time will come when he wants to do it not just for the pleasure it gives to you but because of the pleasure he gets from it.

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  • 2 weeks later...

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