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So after day 7 of NC, I talked to the ex after she sent me an email asking if I wanted some of the pictures we took together.. It took a while for me to respond but I did. It was nice short and to the point..


We spoke on the phone later in the afternoon. The conversation went really well. So I thought. I was telling her about my week and weekend. Actually had a lot of much needed fun. Sporting event, went out to meet old HS friend I haven’t seen in 20 years.. I was at a BBQ sundat afternoon when we spoke. We hung saying bye talk to you.



About an hour later, she sends me an email saying that she doesn’t want to speak to me again and doesn’t want to ruin my fun! * * * ?


I;m just confused.. Maybe she didn’t like the fact that I’m actually moving on>? And she’s not having as much fun? Not sure…


Any advice or thoughts? Thanks

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I kind of think so.. I was out of town a few weeks ago and went to a baseball game with co-workers.. She did not like that at all! She even said she didn't like it when I have fun without her...


Just pises me off that she can say she loves me sooo deep and then send an email like that. maybe that was her intension ..

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Well, we tried to work things out the last two months.. it was going no where... So, about two weeks ago, I said it would never be the same between us.. She'll never change or admit she has any issues.. so no, I don't want her back at this point. Especially after this last little mind game she's playing...

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Your the one replying allowing her to screw with your mind. Second she reacted that way cause you didnt tell her what she wanted to hear..


this is what she wanted to her:


"i haven't done anything really just been home.." then leading to you saying something along the lines like 'i've been thinking about you and miss you"


You didn't say that so now she felts dumb and hurt that she has been missing you and hurting.


If you dont want her in your life then dont talk to her she will get the point eventually...

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Your the one replying allowing her to screw with your mind. Second she reacted that way cause you didn't tell her what she wanted to hear..


this is what she wanted to her:






I did tell her I loved her and missed her.. but she just dismissed it and said I was having too much fun to miss her..

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