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Head games? Female opinions wanted!


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I've been dating this girl for about 5 weeks. Things got off to a great start and we saw eachother every other day for the first week, had lots of dates and had some really good times.


(we're both mid-20's btw)


This girl is really busy with her job and her hours suck (works nights).


After a few weeks, I kinda got the impression that I should back off a bit. Nothing in particular went wrong, and she didn't tell me she wanted space or nothing, I just assumed b/c of her behavior. I don't see her often at all anymore, though we stay in contact over the phone semi regularly.


At first I would call her every day...just once. Conversations were short and to the point "what u doing later blah blah". Then I got that awkward feeling and I backed off, didn't call her for a few days. She starts calling frequently after that, and goes out of her way to come visit me. (Im in a different city). Then things cool down again...I go to her city, call her up and suggest getting together for lunch or something...she's busy with her friends...this has happened 3 times now. So I back off again, and again my phone starts ringing, then she stops by for a 5 minute visit on her way to a friends house, gives me a huge kiss and leaves. Im thinking...she can make it here on her day off to visit her friends...but cant take a day to hook up with me. I know she doesn't get alot of time off of work, but doesn't she realize that her friends will be there long after im gone if thats the way it goes? So im back to calling her, not as frequently as before, just once every couple of days, but the conversations are longer and more involved. Things are beginning to look on the up and up...like there might be something there...


Then she tells me "ill call you at such and such a time"...no call. I call herr the next day...we talk, sounds like all is well, and she says again "call you later". No call.


Now, I realize that we've only been dating for a short while, but, i mean, is this normal?? I probably haven't spent more than an hour and a bit with her for at least two weeks....and each time I see her she's all over me like white on rice, with the hugging and petting and kissing..you get the idea... is this a game? Its like hot and cold...each day brings more confusion....ive considered calling it off, but every time i start thinking about it she comes around and things are good.


Plus, we've made plans to get together later on in the month, but i mean, really, I only live a short drive away and we both have vehicles. I know her schedule screws alot of things up, but...this much??


Any ideas on this? Its really starting to bother me...Should it?

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Its a total communication problem dude. Just talk to her about where she feels you stand together, you must talk to her and stop trying to second guess what she is thinking.


If you cant talk to her, then just forget the whole thing and move on or youll drive yourself nuts trying to work it out!!!


Good luck!

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