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Making her fall again

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well i recently broke up with this girl but we remained friends and it was only about 4 days ago we broke up, anyway something really big but personal happened and i called her and i talked to her and said i wanna kill myself because i had nothing 2 live for i dint have her and no family becaus of da personal thing. and she goes you have your friends and me and i go were not back together so whats the use, you said yourself you dont feel that way about me and she goes i dont now but how do you know i wont fall again. and that got me thinking maybe i can win her back again so wat are the steps i can take in trying to win her back again.

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Good question. I'd say you have to start with breaking the contact for at least a few weeks. Right now you're heading down the friendly lane, and to switch over to lover's lane, you'll have to back up a bit, by cutting contact for a while.


Next step after that? I don't know. Maybe setting a date with her and showing her how good you work together (without talking about the relationship that is). Like just trying to charm her like you'd charm anyone that you're coming on to.


Basically, I think you have to wipe the slate somewhat and try to win her over "again" instead of trying to build on the old relationship.

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Frist off, if i may offer you some REALLY important advice.


Be very careful not to use that whole "I want to kill myself" thing to try to get her back...I had a boyfriend in high school who used to do that to me, and it would keep me with him becuase i was so afriad of i dumped him he would kill himself. That isnt cool to do to a person, and can just prolong a sour relationship. It can also cause a lot of trauma in the other persons likfe, as well as your own. Me and my bf from highschool have since broke up, and our friendship is 100X's better than our relationship was.


BUT if you really are considering killing youself PLEASE get some help...and you will need the kind of assistance that your ex or your friends cannot offer.


Here is some good information on why you may feel the way you do:

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There is a teen suicide prevention hotline at: 800.949.0057 link is link removed


Also, i know it sucks, but you may want to talk to your parents about how you feel...I don't know your parents or your relationship with them, so i wouldn't know how to best approach the subject with them. Maybe start by, "mom, dad, dont freak out..but I have been feeling kinda lousy lately, and have been having some thoughts..."


I see you are 15, and i remember being 15...so i remember how dramatic the world was through my eyes at that time. I promise you that nothing is dramatic enough to where you need to kill yourself.


Now on to what you came to the forums about:


The reality is that she may never have those feelings for you again, but remember that just because she may never have those feelings again doesnt mean no one else will.


If you want her back, here are some important things you need to remember:


Be confident in yourself, you dont need another person to be happy with who you are. And a person who is happy with themselves is much more attractive.


Play it cool, if you push, you will push her away. Be there for her wehen she needs someone, but give her space and show her you are an independent person.


Keep your eyes open. I know you have strong feelings for this girl, but dont let that get in the way of potential friendships and/or relationships with others.


Dont forget that you are young and you have plenty of time on your hands. Teenagers (and i did this too - not long ago, I'm only 21 now)seem to be rushing through their teenage years...I was all ready to be an adult by time I hit 13-14. I wish that I realized then that i should just sit back and enjoy the ride. There is only one time in your life where you have the benefits of a teen (and i know, you are thinking "what benefits so enjoy them! Be young, a bit careless, have fun! The more you are aware of what precious time you have on your hands, the more you can enjoy it!


Please consider my advice and feel free to ask me any other questions. I am young enough to remember highschool very well, and old enough to really appreciate the good times i had then.

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