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a shy guy looking to be more assertive

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Try a more aggresive approach on a dating site. You don't have anything to lose there. "Hello girl! Your profile is weird... you are weird.. but interesting. Wanna chat? I'll get you a drink ... " "Do you have a twin sister or you were in New York last night? Probably the first because your hair looks longer..." "Your picture looks blurry.. can I see another? "

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Sometimes I practice what I am going to say to someone before I say it so I have already figured out "the cool thing to do" - you know, to make sure I won't put my foot in my mouth or something which I usually do if I haven't practiced. OR another idea is if you like someone, just pretend they have known you your whole life, that will calm you down.


Another idea is to start being more assertive with your own family - like telling your mom you hate her hairstyle or something really bold that you wouldn't ordinarily say out loud - then you will find it easier to be direct with people you are attracted to, and you will conquer your fears because your family will always be there even if you make a fool of yourself!

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