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One of those terrible days- 5 months since break up

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Today is a bad day... 5 months since my first boyfriend left me after 4 years ( I am 23) and today is the first day for a couple of months (NC since 4 months - broke NC once and got ignored) I am crying again. I feel so horrible today, missing him. I cannot understand that someone prefers THAT mess and the life now (without me) over being together with me... It hurts so much. I want to tell him about my life...I want to know how he is doing... I wish I wouldn't have met him ever and I would prefer to never have experienced the "good times" by not getting to know him so I wouldn't have to suffer now...

I don't hate him even so what he did was cruel (no official break up - he just started ignoring after a stupid fight). It would be great if I could switch position with him for one day so he knows how I feel/felt..


Please keep posting... I just need to talk to someone. My friends and family are already annoyed that I cannot stop talking about him even so I try to.

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Sorry to hear that your going through this but it sounds like he really isn't worth the trouble to be honest. He just started ignoring you after a stupid fight and its been many months?? WTH! he sounds very immature.


I have been through what your going through, as my ex pretty much left me for another guy (together 3.5 years, broke up last December) when she said we were on a 'break'. It still hurts a bit.


I think you deserve better than this guy.

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Mr BabyBlade + 1


If you really like someone you don't just cut them cold after a stupid fight. You find a way to make up.


And, even if you decide to break up with them, the decent thing to do is face to face (unless there is abuse or some other toxic behavior involved).


So, sorry you are hurting and hope you can find the strength to let it, and him, go. You deserve better.

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Yes...I know what he did was cruel and it tells me A LOT ABOUT HIm. After 2 weeks him ignoring me I went to his house to talk to him and he let me in. I sat on his couch for 7 HOURS and tried to talk to him or at least get him to break up with me officially. During that hours he didn't face me at least once and played computer games while I tried to talk to him and asked questions (he didn't respond a single time- just ignored every single sentence I said). Then I left... that was the most horrible day in my life

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Yes...I know what he did was cruel and it tells me A LOT ABOUT HIm. After 2 weeks him ignoring me I went to his house to talk to him and he let me in. I sat on his couch for 7 HOURS and tried to talk to him or at least get him to break up with me officially. During that hours he didn't face me at least once and played computer games while I tried to talk to him and asked questions (he didn't respond a single time- just ignored every single sentence I said). Then I left... that was the most horrible day in my life

Omg, is this guy 11 years old?? computer games while talking to him? ](*,) ](*,)](*,)


I'm sorry you had to experience that, but why would you even bother thinking about this loser after that...


Forget him, erase him out of your brain.

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hi ex,I know how u feel.I have the same time apart from my ex, and NC from her completely.They have moved on honey,We belong to their past and God only knows if we will be part of their future.I know it hurts but is the truth, the reality.Try by all means to feel better, cry if you have to, do whatever it takes.Just give it some time, and better yourself somehow, so the next time you see him,you will look better and stronger with your confidence in the sky.U need to move on,and take the relationship as totally over.If he comes back one day and you decide, you want to give him another shot, deal with your issues and start something new with him.

Right now move on honey, is for the best....I know its hard, but what other options do we have? only time will tell.Don't give up hope, if u really love him, but don't stop your life for him either, just be ready and strong so when the time comes you will be ready to deal with it.


I send you a big HUGH,i will be here anytime if you feel like talking

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Thank you!!!!! Yes ...he moved on. I should do the same or at least try. Truth is I know he would NEVER EVER contact me. He is the most stubborn and proud person I ever got to know and after what he did and what happened he couldn't just contact me again...

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Thank you!!!!! Yes ...he moved on. I should do the same or at least try. Truth is I know he would NEVER EVER contact me. He is the most stubborn and proud person I ever got to know and after what he did and what happened he couldn't just contact me again...


If he can't own up to his rotten actions then your are better off without him. A marriage with a person who is this arrogant (this kind of stubborness and "pride" which results in a person not owning up to wrong-doing is really just arrogance).

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