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Found out boyfriend has active profile on plenty of fish! last straw!


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Look at it this way, why would you want to be IN contact with someone who is so disrespectful to you? That makes no sense. If you want the closure, tell him its over, then take his number off your phone. Put the phone in another room and get on with life. Hes not worth anymore time, trouble, or thought.
I have already deleted most of his texts. Gosh, i have to throw away the massage oil because even the scent reminds me of him!
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Yeah, i know. Some guy who imed me on meetup a month ago just imed me again. Said he loved my pics and we should meetup-we could have fun. I remember him all too well. I said " I will not have sex with you" he said i ruined it, he is officially uninterested. I assumed he even wanted to have sex with me. Then 5 min later said, and judging from your pictures, i am quite a step up from you-Goodbye. Jerk!

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Yeah, i know. Some guy who imed me on meetup a month ago just imed me again. Said he loved my pics and we should meetup-we could have fun. I remember him all too well. I said " I will not have sex with you" he said i ruined it, he is officially uninterested. I assumed he even wanted to have sex with me. Then 5 min later said, and judging from your pictures, i am quite a step up from you-Goodbye. Jerk!


I'm lost....


You were trying to meet up with someone while you were in a relationship?

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Well...at least this likely gives you a more accurate explanation of his dropping out of sight and not bringing you around to meet his family than that lame "work's been busy" excuse he was giving you.


Your eyes have been opened....and that which has been seen cannot be un-seen.


I had one cheating ex....and, yeah, if you want to retain your dignity and self-esteem, you won't have anything more to do with him at all.


BTW, my cheating ex's words and actions didn't match up, either. It's a harsh lesson to learn, but I guarantee you it will serve you well in the future.

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I only had one cheating bf in my life. We were both 19, and he was in the army. Lol were friends (pen pals) now. I should have known something was up with this guy, but i blindly thought he cared. I had a bf where we would see each other 3-5 days a week, another one had a child and i saw him every other w/e for 2 days, sometimes i would stay a week or more. I met his family on the first date, and spend xmas eve at their house, so yeah this wasnt right.

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Unfortunately there are a lot of liars out there. Its good to be a trusting person but always pay attention to actions and when actions and words don't match up that is a huge red flag. I have a really good website for you which talks about these kids of things. Its baggagereclaim.co.uk The girl that runs it is over in the UK but its a very informative forum.

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I first asked him if he was talking to other people, he answered " just wondering where this is coming from" i responded about his profile. He hasnt responded. If it was no, he would have responded fast. So the missed calls, excuses why he cant see me that weekend, travel for work, weekend with the boys was not the truth! hmmm just waiting to see what lie he is gonna feed me now. I thought men liked loyal, honest women. Makes me sick to think i cooked for him. He makes me sick, liars are the worst!



i chuckled at this....

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This just proves my contention that most men cheat. I have met damn few who haven't. I gave up years ago worrying about it. As me and my friends say, "Keep the one you've got because the next one will probably cheat too!" I know that sounds harsh, but it's been my experience in life. I've had maybe two bfs not cheat, in over 35 years of dating! I just think it's something we either put up with, or we stay single.

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Are you scoping out his profile?


Yeah, that was going to be my question, too.


I don't text...heck, I barely know how to use my phone...but isn't there some way you can block him so he's not bothering you?


Also, I don't know that looking at his online profile(s) is really helping you.


I always found that post-break-up, it was to my benefit to pretend that "he" simply didn't exist....Because the bottom line was that he didn't exist in my world anymore.


I think if you don't set a boundary here, you're setting yourself up to be sucked back in.

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