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Ex's and Birthday's..


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Thanks for those who gave me advice on my last post. I really appreciate it. My birthday is coming up in a few days and I'm just curious, if my ex gf texts/calls me should I think its a positive sign or am I just over thinking it? And what would be the consequences if I did/didn't respond to the message. Also on the other hand, what would it mean if she DIDN'T contact me on my birthday?



I didn't contact her on hers a few weeks ago. I still love her and hope that she comes around. I broke up with her because another guy was interfering in the relationship and she could not see that. Yet I still have some hope that she will realize the relationship is more important? We've been together for about 2.5 years.


She has been hanging out with that guy alot more since we broke up, as she doesnt have many guy friends to go to. Maybe she is moving on, or maybe she is just using his presence for comfort..


Any advice would be appreciated!

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You are overthinking it. You could analyze the what if's til the end of the days...


If she does contact you, it may mean something...could mean nothing other than she is being courteous.


If she doesn't it could mean she is hurt that you didn't contact her, could mean that she cant handle communication with you...could mean that she is overanalyzing it as well.


In any case it's a plethora of what if's. Do what you need to do, to make things better for you!

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My boyfriend (back together) didn't call me on my birthday because he felt like he'd ruin my day and that it wasn't his place to wish me a happy birthday.


I'm glad he didn't call me.


It hurt at the time, but, he was trying to be respectful and him not calling made me think of him less.


yeah i guess i can't really analyze anything until the end of that day, if she were to text/call how would I answer if I want to spark up something? or would I have to just ignore it. I know she hates having losing connection , because one time something came up and she said that she would want to talk to me everyday if we broke up, yet we have been in NC for about a month..

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