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Its a horrible feeling when you feel alone. Knowing that all you want is a hug, but you cant get it. Even such a simple thing can be so difficult to get. It would be nice to just be able to sit with someone so I wouldnt feel so alone. But I dont have anyone. I dont even need to be talked to. I just want to not be alone. But I am. I dont want to be alone. When I am at school, or when I am with my friends I act like i'm ok. But as soon as there is no one to put on an act for I break down into a person who just wants a hug. I just want a hug. Why is it so hard to find a good hug?



Sorry I just needed to let that out.

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i know how you feel. i go through the same thing.


last night i was praying out loud (which i never do...i dont even pray that much) to have someone to hold me and love me. and my dog took that exact moment to jump on my bed and come nuzzle me. that prayer was answered for me.

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its really starting to get to a point where i dont know what to do. i mean i'm not a cryer. like i cry 1 or 2 times a year and thats it. and last night thinking about how i want to just go to the park with a girl that will just let me wrap my arms around her and sit there doing nothing brought me to tears.


and i dont know what to do about it.

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i go through the same thing. last night i was doing just that--just someone to hold me (liek in "the wedding singer"...just want someone to hold me and tell me it's all gonna be ok!). sometimes we need that feeling and when we can't find it anywhere, it's hard to deal with.

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Oh honey! Oh I wish I could hug you! You are right everyone needs a good hug. Its totally natural to want that human contact. I dont care who you are. Just remember that these times to will pass. You will probably get a hug when you least expect it,then it will mean all the more.

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I go to Al-Anon meetings and people are all about hugs there. Sometimes it helps but other times it's just not what I need...those are more friendly, when I need something more intimate and loving than that.


I like warm hugs where you feel them tighten on you. Not hugs where someone throws their arms around you lightly.

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no. i dont think i will be getting a hug when i least expect it. in fact i dont think i'll be getting a hug for quite some time. i have just lost faith in the world for making my life anything but a living hell. i just had police ambulance and fire show up at my house because i joked with a friend (like i do with all my friends) that i was killing myself and he called. please no one call 911 because i am not killing myself


so now i have just lost faith in humanity and i think i'll just shut down into a little bubble of my own little world and shut everyone out

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no. i dont think i will be getting a hug when i least expect it. in fact i dont think i'll be getting a hug for quite some time. i have just lost faith in the world for making my life anything but a living hell. i just had police ambulance and fire show up at my house because i joked with a friend (like i do with all my friends) that i was killing myself and he called. please no one call 911 because i am not killing myself


so now i have just lost faith in humanity and i think i'll just shut down into a little bubble of my own little world and shut everyone out


Well I am going to keep my fingers crossed for you!


I bet that was a bit awkward to face, well at least you know that they care!


No, really you shouldnt shut down like that. You are here now, you might as well stick around. Check out OT!

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well i'm not sure what OT is and no they dont really care or they would have paid attention when i said it was a joke


and i really should because then i wont have to deal with people i thought were my friends being donkeys and calling 911 on me for being myself

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well i'm not gonna talk to them for a while and i still think i'm just gonna shut out the whole world. its bad enough that my life sucks and no matter what i do i just get * * * * ted on over and over because god hates me. but now when i try to be myself i almost get put on a 4140 hold because the people i talk to are to dimwitted to use a brain.


its just better for everyone if i drop out of existence for a while

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ummm... no i dont want to come back. things were much better before i started opening up and having feelings and emotions and liking girls and all the other crap that goes on in live. so i'll go back and stay back and if all works out the way i want it to i will never have to be back on this site for my own problems because i wont have any

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no actually not everyone knows my username because my mood flip flops so often that when people start reading what i post on a good day and then they read what i post on a bad day they think i am just screwing with them and people stop helping me. so i have a couple of different usernames that i can keep my problems along the same basic line for each screen name

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Hugs can go, a long way. Short story -


I started working at my place of employment, about a year ago. It's a very laid back, chill spot. My "manager" if you can call her that, and I hit it off, rigt away. I didn't know anyone, she was quick to introduce me, and show me the light. Well, after 4-5 months, I realized it was better to keep it at a "work relationship". Not only was she in a long term relationship, but her, and every other female I worked with, were like a soap opera, her being one of the ring leaders. I quit answering her calls, for my own reasons, and kept it work. She was hurt, a lot more than I realized by this, but it was for the better. She was drama.

After about 4 months of us not being "friendly" in the least outside of work, she made an EXTREMELY dumb mistake, at work, and was lucky to not be fired. I had no idea what had happened. Evidently when she got to work one morning a few months ago (she gets there an hour before the rest of us) she was talked to, and almost fired. I happened to be walking up the block, as she was walking towards me, on her way home (sent home for the day until further notice type deal). Even though we hadn't spoken seriously in months, I saw her crying, and couldn't help but stop her and ask her what was up.

Of course she kept it frank. I simply told her, whatever it was, it wasn't serious enough to let it shatter your world, and put my arms out, for a hug. We hugged for a good 10 seconds, let go..and I told her to let it go, and I'll see her tomorrow.


To be honest, I didn't care, if she got fired or not...what she did, was ground for termination, but no one deserves to feel as alone as she did that day. And the next day, at work, she pulled me aside, and told me how happy she was she ran into me that day, because she didn't know what she would of done when she got home, and has had a past of depression, hardcore. I'm an a$$h@*%, but not heartless.


You'd be suprised at how many people, many you don't know, who would be willing to give you a hug. Hugs are free, and in the saddest of times, can turn your world upside down..

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the only problem is that the hug i need is kind of specific and i am not going to get it any time soon. like just getting a hug from my mom wont cut it. so i decided to give up on the world and shut down into my own little bubble. its a much better place here

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the only problem is that the hug i need is kind of specific and i am not going to get it any time soon. like just getting a hug from my mom wont cut it. so i decided to give up on the world and shut down into my own little bubble. its a much better place here


...you might feel safer shut away in your own "kingdom" as I'll put it, but it comes at a tremendous price, no?


It did for me.

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no actually i found out that i my own kingdom as you put it, is a much better place for me. i have complete control over everything in here and so it gives me the chance to learn how to control what to let in and what to keep out. so in the end i will have more control over myself. so i'd say that it is well worth the price of skipping a few wasted girlfriends that wouldnt have worked out anyways

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