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Something for the dumpees, and also the dumpers!


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I believe in NC to a certain extent...


I've dated a lot...im 25 and have had a ridiculous amount of girlfriends...and id say about 3 SERIOUS ones. I now know what has pushed my GF's away in the past (the ones that broke up with ME) and that was my drop everything for them attitude and getting lazy etc. Anyway Every single one so far (minus the one that broke up with me 2 weeks ago) has contacted me after NC to 'hang out' or something...Most of the time it just ended up in sex but at that point I never wanted a relationship afterwards. This is the first time in my life where I keep waiting for my ex (of 2 weeks) to call and make that move...because this is the first time I actually realize where I effed up and she was perfect (for me) in so many ways. I'm an idiot. BUT I'm not banking on that...I'm moving on and just fine and dandy. If she comes back one day, awesome...but if not, I'm not waiting for her...

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hey sorry been off for a while my comp died and also I thought I needed a bit of a time out, not from you wonderful people but from the internet in general. feeling a bit crap, but i hope i will be able to properly explain what is going on with my current break up soon, its still a bit fresh at the moment. It is hitting me very hard, a lot more than i thought it would (isn't that always the way!) but i know the sun will shine through again, just gotta keep up the no contact, work on liking to be on own again, and not make myself go back to square one! Remember it only takes one little text to set you back a long way!


hope everyone is doing very good!!



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Thanks everyone for the support!


Even though I have gone through the pretty much same situation before (the guy in the original post, but different guy this time) it is still hard and I always seem to think they will never come back! but i know they do most of the time, if your relationship was good they usually miss it, I'm just impatient I guess!


Melissa I'm glad my post helped you, remember if anything you CAN get over them, you just need time and fun!




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What a very insightful and inspiring story, to the OP. I would have to empathize on a lot of your experiences, namely, I just recently broke up with my now ex-bf after I found out he has been cheating on me the entire time. I do believe that karma does bite one back in the a--, and it took him just a couple hours to realize what a good thing he has lost and try to beg for me back. Nevertheless, I remained strong and did not respond to any of his attempts to contact me. However I still miss the good times we've shared, even if it was all a lie.

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Sorry for my lack of postings of late, just been trying to get my head round my recent horrible break up. My current ex got into a new and intense relationship a few days after we broke up, even though having seen some emails I knew he had been planning to get with her a few weeks before we actually broke up. It is so so hard to just not go up to her and tell her she is a skank, but I know I must just lie low and bide my time.


I am not the most patient of people, but really taking a step back and letting the 'replacement' relationship run its course is the only way to go about things. Arcade you are so right about karma, it is very sneaky indeed. Right now I am going through my 'anger' phase, (although no one but me will know this, he will not get the satisfaction of knowing how much he still hurts me) but the anger phase I know is one step further to healing, so I'm happier to be angry, rather than wallowing in complete misery! Keep strong everyone please!!!! I'm only on day six of proper NC since the split, but the fact I am at the anger stage shows me it is working its magic already! Well apart from facebook, which I am trying to look at less and less tho


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  • 2 weeks later...

hi saffron,


sorry i have really been trying to avoid the internet lately as everything was getting on top of me and making me worse. my current lovely ex is posting all over facebook about his happiness and his new gf, i just cannot believe how quick their relationship has become serious. I KNEW this was what to expect, this is so the same as my original post it is quite freaky, but it has still killed me a little. I am starting to think there is something seriously wrong with me, finding these guys who seem to love me so much, then they turn around and they might as well stab me in the face, it would really hurt less. I have FINALLY deleted him from facebook, but now she writes on our mutual friends walls, people she has not even met!! its so horrible, i cannot escape it. but thank god i am going away for a while to a place with NO INTERNET access, this is the only thing that will keep me sane!

Keep strong everyone, I know the pain will pass, it really does, even when you think it is not possible. I have been through it before but I still think even now it will never end lol god help me eh!!

maybe i need to find a rebound of my own, but i'm just not that kind of person unfortunately dammit lol



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hang in there kitty! you've given us so much good advice. i hope the best for you. i would suggest blocking that * * * * * btw.. that's what i did.


as far as the rebound.. i KNOW that she can't love him like i can. i guess that's all that really matters to me. one day he will figure that out... and so will your ex.


we'll prob be in a happier place without them by that time though.

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this thread has given me hope. the crazy thing about my situation is that neither of them post anything about each other on their facebook pages except a couple from her when they had some issues and one where she said she had everyone she loved with her when they were headed to an amusement park. something just doesn't seem right since i heard they're engaged and she's talking about getting the tat of my name on her lower back covered. i know while we were together she was always posting stuff talking about us good and when bad things had happened.

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