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now I'm not sure about her

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Okay, you may have read my last topic about this girl I like and how she would talk about other guys around me. Well basically after a couple of weeks, I finally had time with her alone to ask her out yesterday. But, I was driving her home, and then she mentioned this guy she likes and that she likes him. She also said how no one has ever been as nice and sweet to her as this guy and all this crap about the nice things he did for her. I know from what you guys told me before that her mentioning other guys was a good sign that she was trying to make me jealous. But this time she acutually said they like each other, and now I'm starting to think that we've been just friends all along.


My problem is that after this, I realized how much I like her and I really want to go out with her. And I'm mad that I may have lost my chance and that I have to see her everyday knowing that I like her and she probably doesn't. I mean, I know she kind of likes me, but now I'm not sure that asking her out would be a good idea now that it seems she likes someone else. And I'm affraid that if I do ask her and she says no that things will be weird between us. And if I don't ask her out or at least find out more, I know I'll kick myself forever.


I know what you all will say, and no, I'm not affraid of rejection. Asking her out isn't a big deal to me, its just that I don't know if she still wants me to because of what she said. I don't want to come off like I've liked her for so long when she probably doesn't see me that way. You know, it would be kind of weird. Funny thing is, I'm back where I started about 3 weeks ago with the same girl. For now, I plan to ask her best friend (who I'm friends with) if she thinks I should ask her out. I asked her this a couple of weeks ago and she said I should ask her friend out, but now because of what happened I'm not sure if that's still true.


So what do you guys think? Should I just give up and take a hint? Should I just go ahead and ask her out? Should I wait to see what happens with her situation? I'd just like to finally settle this whole thing, whether we end up going out or not. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

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Sorry to reply to my own topic, but today things were great! I was lucky enough that she needed a ride home w/o her friend, so we had some more time alone. When I met up with her at school, she gave me a look and said hi in a different way than she usually does. Later we talked and laughed a lot and really had a good time together. She told me that I was really funny and she likes people who make her laugh. (I don't know if that was a sign or if she was just being nice) But once again, I didn't have the nerve to ask her out because I wasn't sure about her feelings for me or if she likes another guy or not. Lately I haven't been sure if I want to pursue her but today I'm really sure that I want to go out with her. We have a lot in common and get along very well and I don't want to risk giving that up because of what she said the other day.


Question 1: From what I've said, do you think she's interested enough to agree to go out with me? I mean I know girls flirt with other guys, even if they are seeing someone else, but it does seem she likes me.


Question 2: Do you think waiting a little more would hurt? I know waiting too long can be very bad, but I want to make sure I'm not doing a dumb thing by asking her out. I have a feeling that one of our friends told her I like her. So if she does know I like her, maybe she'll start to think I'm not interested if I keep waiting to make a move?


Thanks again

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Unless there is a very compelling reason not to, go ahead and ask her. I just got rejected (I think) today, and it sucks, no doubt about it, but I think having some resolution will stop me from kicking myself in the future.



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