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Do you guys ever do this?


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Rather than flirting with a woman that you may find attractive/starting a conversation, do you ever just say hi or hello - and leave it at that?

Have you ever done this?

Or would you not bother saying anything unless you plan to try to have a full conversation with the woman?



I'm referring to just seeing a woman out somewhere, not when you're working and greeting a customer or anything like that


edit: I was asking because this has happened to my friend as well as me a couple of times..

but we live in a busy city where most people don't really have the habit of saying hello out of nowhere, so it tends to stand out when it happens lol

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I won't read much into it, i guess lol




Maybe my perception is different because i'm pretty shy, so it would be difficult for me to say hi to a random person on the street.

It really doesn't happen often where i am, so like i said before it tends to grab my attention.

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Maybe. I know I have done it if the women is staring at me. You know when you are standing/sitting there and someone is looking directly at you? You look at them for a second and it seems kind of awkward, so you sell "hello". I definitely do that.

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Rather than flirting with a woman that you may find attractive/starting a conversation, do you ever just say hi or hello - and leave it at that?


If I'm in some organized campaign of saying hi to six attractive woman a day to work on 'rejection' issues, then it's likely I would say hi to various attractive woman and see how they will respond back to me. Whether they will say hi back, ignore me, or start going psycho on me.


This campaign is on a book "How to Succeed with Women" as a confidence building exercise. The point is to portray to the reader that women are not evil, and you can flirt with them without worrying about them biting your head off when you see they can say 'hi' back to you rather than do something that would disturb you for the rest of the day. If you are in a frame of mind where you are worried about a woman doing something crazy, or bad back to you, then you are just going to test reality by saying 'hi' and walking off fast to minimize any potential negative outcome. However, the drawback to this approach is, since you are not thinking positive, you don't have a positive expectation that something amazing could happen (great conversation, flirting, etc...) since you are shielding yourself and being at a distance.


When doing this campaign, it made me feel very good and confident about approaching and talking to women. Sometimes, just doing this makes me happy. At rare times I feel a sexual chemistry as well and masturbate about it later and have a fantasy of having hot sex. (not saying it is the case with this guy). Generally, some of the happiest times in my life I remember is just going up to women in general and reaching to the point of not caring that much as to if I got a 'hi' back or not, sometimes just a 'hi' back from an attractive girl in a nice tone of voice can literally just make my day.

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I wouldn't say hi to a random, passing stranger (man or woman) unless I wanted to get their attention for some reason. Who does that? That'd be weird.


What guy doesn't want to get the attention of a hot attractive girl? After you say 'hi', then what do you say next? Would you like to have sex in my car that's just parked outside? Try your luck right? (just kidding)

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I wouldn't say hi to a random, passing stranger (man or woman) unless I wanted to get their attention for some reason. Who does that? That'd be weird.


Yea, that's why i found myself curious about it lol. It has happened at moments where i was mostly in my own world and not really focussed on/looking at anyone in particular. I guess i wonder if sometimes guys might want to say more but they feel shy as well, so it gets cut off at that point?

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Yea, that's why i found myself curious about it lol. It has happened at moments where i was mostly in my own world and not really focussed on/looking at anyone in particular. I guess i wonder if sometimes guys might want to say more but they feel shy as well, so it gets cut off at that point?

Exactly. That's your answer right there. They're probably interested and would like to start a conversation, but are shy enough or inexperienced enough that "Hi" is all they can come up with.

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Yea, that's why i found myself curious about it lol. It has happened at moments where i was mostly in my own world and not really focussed on/looking at anyone in particular. I guess i wonder if sometimes guys might want to say more but they feel shy as well, so it gets cut off at that point?


That's right, it takes allot of balls and guts to ask you to go into a parked car outside for no strings attached sex, so a guy would probably just swallow that statement and walk away. How would you respond if a random guy asked you for no strings attached sex after saying hi? Would you be offended? Or what if he asked you if you wanted to be his gf (assuming you are compatable with him)?

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^ Oh, i don't expect any of those things. I don't suspect that to be the guy's motive for saying hello.

I just thought that a guy might ask things like "How are you?", talk about something casual/general?

I'm not sure why you mention casual sex, though. I would not respond well to that; it's not what i'm looking for.

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^ Oh, i don't expect any of those things. I don't expect that to be the guy's motive for saying hello.

I just thought that a guy might ask things like "How are you?", talk about something casual/general?

I'm not sure why you mention casual sex, though. I would not respond well to that; it's not what i'm looking for.


I'm just taking what's in the back of the mind and articulating it. When I see an attractive girl and approach her to say 'hi' to her, then somewhere in the back of my mind, I believe I'm really approaching women that are physically attractive to me enough that I would want to have sex if all the condition precedents towards that worked out right (i.e. what values are requisite to that - i.e. marriage, etc...). Or may have a fantasy about casual sex that is being acted out by saying 'hi' and walking a way to a woman that I would want to have sex with although that is not articulated.


Of course, you are right, the likihood is, that a conversation would start.


The best conversation piece I think is to talk about the weather. People will generally agree with that topic.

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^ you didn't realize you said hi? lol

So is it something you do very often then?


no lol. i rarely say hi to strangers, especially if its just in passing.. thats why i wasn't exactly aware i said it until after i said it and she responded. my mind was elsewhere as well.

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