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Any advice welcome


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Right, I'm an 18 year old girl and i've been with current boyfriend for about 7 weeks, but we were seeing eachother for a few months before.

Since we've been together he has completely stopped taking an interest in everything. He never asks me to do anything, and when i ask him he's always busy, or agrees then cancels last minute. As a rule doesnt reply to my texts and ignores me when he sees me in person. At first i thought maybe i was just expecting too much too early in the relationship, but nothing's changed, and it's got worse if anything.

It's been making me really miserable because outside of college we socialise in a group of 6, which by complete fluke has become 3 couples. However the three boys are all going off to uni in september, whereas the girls have another year of college.

I've known for a while that it isn't going to last, and have questioned why i'm still in the relationship. and because we've finished college for the summer now there's no pressure from the other two couples. I'm sure that my boyfriend isn't bothered about the relationship, but i'm just not quite sure how to end it.

After sending him a text and getting no reply on Saturday i decided to have a few drinks, and ended up bumping into my ex. We gradually got more and more drunk and ended up kissing. We then sat outside my house for about an hour talking about us. And he said that he still thinks about me, and i said the same, and i said that i thought if i hadn't have ended it last year we'd still be together. My ex also has a girlfriend who he says he hasnt seen in weeks, but i dont know what to think.He asked me to go round his today to watch films, i was talking to him and he didnt mention today at all, so i've assumed that it's not on anymore. But he was saying that it was a good night, and it was just like old times, and i woke up yesterday morning feeling so happy. And i dont feel guilty at all about cheating because if i'm honest i dont feel like i'm in a relationship. But equally, when i break up with my boyfriend, do i tell him?


I'm just so confused.




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No I wouldn't tell the current boyfriend about your ex. Just end it and say that you don't seem to have anything in common anymore and you feel it's best you go your separate ways.


I wouldn't absolutely count on your ex though and assume you are going right into a relationship with him. I don't know what the deal is with his current girlfriend but that has to be resolved first.

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Your'e right for not feeling like your'e in a relationship.

Feeling negelect.


As sad as it is, the cheating maybe a wakeup call to him but the fact you cheated will always be there.


If not. . .at least your'e happy.


Just don't make the cheating a habbit k?

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