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What the..!? IS she interested or what!?

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I met this babe a little while ago at a 21st B'day party. Anyway she is friends with one of my associates. Whenever where together though she doesn't talk much, I mean I always have to start the talking and ask the questions, low interest right?(Although she sounds enthusiastic when she talks to me)


Well here's the twister though, I asked if I could see her tattoo on her upper breast and she's like "umm, yeah ok",she pulls down her shirt a bit, then I run my hand over her breast and she starts blushing and giggling. Also I saw her today and I snuck up behind her and felt up her ass big time and she gave me a nice smile with a "hello".


Yeah so bottom line is she lets me feel her body up but doesn't talk much too me!? WTF?! All the girls that were keen on me before always had motor mouths. The thing is she's not shy, she talks heaps with other guys and chicks, but with me she doesn't ask me much but let's me feel her up?! What's up with that? Her letting me feel me up makes me think HIGH Interest. The bit where she doesn't seem to talk much to me tells me LOW interest. Comments?

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Perhaps she is shy around you b/c she likes you. I can be very outgoing with people I'm comfortable with- men and women, but if there is tension and I like a guy, sometimes I get nervous and shy. talk to her. ask her out or something. the fact that she gigles and let's you tocuh her is a good sign. She's obviously flirting back. maybe she's conused about your level of interest in her. i mean you flirt and touch her, but you don't ask her out. i would be confused if i were her. also, why are you feeling her up? that's kinda rude. no matter how much i liked a guy, i would find it disrespectful if a guy grabbed my boobs- but that might be just what your group of friends does, and hey she obviously likes it if she giggles and didn't slap you. just ask her out.

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LOL......She definetly likes you.....if shes fine with you touching her up.Just ask her out and if she turns you down just ask her what she wants.And exsplain to her that your a bit confused with the mixed messages.You never know she may just be after a no strings relationship ..which can be a good thing but depends on what you want of her.

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LOl lol

She likes you in the same situation basically,she seems to be social with others but giggles and laughs at lot when I say funny(?) things. Shes does stay quiet but responds actively to all I say,to keep the conversation going

And the smile she had when I asked for her email adress last tuesday after class(supposedly to send her some course materials) ..I could've spent the whole day looking at her

Only problem's now is girls I don't know just pass by me and say "Hi *my name here* " when I see them around the campus

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