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Want to prolong sex to make sure that i satisfy her fully

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I have recently got together with my girlfriend, it has been about a month and abit now, we have slept together now 4 times. The first night we made love three times, and the last time was just too short. I recently just got out of a 3 1/2 years relationship where i was very comfortable with the last partner, but now with the new girlfriend i feel very self conscious about sex now. I feel like it should be alot longer. I am the type of person that when i am making love i want to make sure that my partner has an orgasm eveytime we make love. Does anyone know what would be a way that i can help make intercourse last longer, besides just changing positions, cause once gets on top i tend to lose it shortly after that. Just like in "Friends" i want to make sure i am the giver.

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I know it might be a bit too early to ask her to tell you how to make it better for her, but you can always try. Also, remember, even though it may feel awesome, we don't always end up with an orgazm in the end. As for making it last longer... why don't you try stopping for a while and get back to it a few seconds later...

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It's natural to be selfconscious about your body, especially with a new partner. You're not sure what they're going to think because you don't know them well enough and they have never seen that part of your body before. It isn't a big deal though, she obviously thinks highly of you if she is willing to have sex with you. So I wouldn't worry too much about that.


As for lasting longer.. well you mentioned that you're mainly interested in satisfying your girlfriend. Well, I think the key element in that is simply foreplay. Yep, that's right, foreplay. When it comes to sex, most guys simply skip foreplay and move right up onto sex. While that is fine, it may leave the female partner feeling unsatisfied simply because it takes longer for women to reach orgasm. It typically takes 15-30 minutes for a women to reach the point where she is stimulated enough for orgasm. Most guys don't last long enough, or barely last long enough, for their partner to reach that point. So I would recommend that you guys do some foreplay for about 15+ minutes and then move onto sex. You can try this out and see how things go.


While you are having sex and you want to last longer, I typically slow things down and sometimes altogether stop movement down there and kiss her neck and lips passionately to give my guy a little rest. This keeps her in the mood and stimulated and tends to buy you a little bit more time. I also have learned that you tend to last longer in various positions, so I would recommend that you try out several positions and see which ones you last longer in.


Good luck! I hope I helped.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I'm surprised that no one mentioned giving her oral sex. Many women would love to have oral sex but will not ask for it. Don't let her think you are doing it out of charity but instead do it with gusto & tell her how exciting & desirable it is for you to be able to get that intimate with her.

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