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Fat burner pills/ Fat burner cream

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Hey girls...well guys too!


I have a huge issue with looking good, looking fit, looking healthy. I work out doing Pilates twice a week, try to do it as much as I can. Just about a month ago, I've really been almost feeling 'depressed' about looking good. I'm definitely not depressed, its just that frustating feeling that I'm not going anywhere. And i know that's normal because everyone always wants instant results. I've been doing this for almost 2 and a half months, and no results the slightest.


I know there are fat burner pills- of course, Ephedrine is the ONE to stay away from for several health reasons that they obviously do not advertise or warn on their products. Today was my first time ever even goign to the Diet section in the pharmacy to see what they had. My eyes were off all the Ephedrines, and i cued in on one particular that was ephedrine free and I went up to the pharamacist to ask her about everying i could on this product. Of course she didn't recommend it, no health authority would but she said this was probably the best product there was safety wise and health wise. She also said it would be a great booster- to help gain initiative and motivation to keep exercising and eating well (just because lately, I've felt like what's the point- i'll never lose any weight)




I also saw an ad for a Fat burning cream from Vichy, there also other sorts of brands. But this one in particular drew my attention. I did infact purchase this product today and just about 15 minutes ago, applied them to my thighs.... Has anyone bought this cream or any othe brand of a fat burnign cream - If you could share your results with me and the progress and everything...


I'm not totally overweight, i'm not like 400 pounds or anything, and i dont have anything against overweight people. I hope I haven't given that sort of impression because that is not my intention at all..Its just something for myself that I feel is important to have my body feel adn look well maintained.


Can anyone help me?


I would greatly greatly GREATLY appreciate any sort of response, I'm just starting to feel soo frustrated that I'm not ever going ot go anywhere.

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well, i have ADD and the pills they give you make you not so hungry.. and that trims you down, it's great stuff... a good way to lose weight though is staying away from the computer when you dont have to use it because that makes people lazy, if your into sports, join a sports team or go to the ymca everyday and shoot some hoops.. running 5 miles a day is friggin excellent too.. hope that helps lol

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