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Ladies, what are the common communication blunders

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that guys have made when trying to get to know you...and as a result you remain tight-lipped or give vague one-sentence answers from that point on?


I can't exactly categorize the blunders, but anything such as questions, statements, the way he talks to you, silence at inappropriate moments...what really ticks you off?


Because I have a bad habit of ending things right before they even begin, and I don't even use vulgar language or start up taboo conversations. It's a mistake I've made (such as not listening) and from then on she pretends I don't even exist, which hurts my ego.

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This is just a suggestion, but how about instead of focusing on potential pitfalls and doing all you can to avoid them, turn your attention elsewhere.


You could instead focus on doing the right things instead of merely avoiding the wrong things. Doing the right things are like you said, listening, asking pertinent questions, asking her about herself, letting her know a bit about you. Obviously not every woman is going to have the same views on blunders & postives. I just think it would serve you much better to focus on the things you can do - which potentially increase your chances at getting to know someone, rather than focusing on what not to do - which only increases on you focusing on what you are doing.

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On our third date, my H asked me .. I can't remember the specific words now but he basically asked me how I felt about sex. He was trying to figure out what my boundaries were and whether i was a "not before marriage" person or a.. you know.. just what the deal was so that he never accidentally crossed the line or made me uncomfortable.


Of course to me it was the most bizare question to ask up front like that and I thought all he was interested in sex. Which surprised me! So I really closed off for the rest of the date and then just confronted him about it.


Poor thing.

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