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Wasn't Meant To Be

John Bendix

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I am a little confused when I read this saying, "that it just was not meant to be", in regards to realtionships. What is that really trying to say? I know that I might be opening up a can of worms but I really do not understand the reasoning behind this.

It's something people make up. When you see "was/wasn't meant to be" or "everything happens for a reason" offered as "advice," ignore it, because it's worthless.

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well put Dave. When people say 'things happen for a reason' or 'it wasn't meant to be' they are basically ignoring their own faults and fears that contributed to a either the choices they made in a partner or the behaviour they exhibited in a relationship.


My ex said the same thing to me a few weeks ago.......'things happen for a reason' when she told me she didn't want to conitnue with me. This was one week after she told me she had a lot of stuff going on in her head. In other words, it was easier for her to give up and blame it on fate or destiny rather than face up and work on her own issues that led to the break-up


Sorry to hear that. Sounds like she has been watching too many chick flicks. I wouldn't be surprised if she has her eye on someone else. She's definitely not ready - You can do better and you will!

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