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I woke up to my moms b/f feeling me up?


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I woke up to the most weriodest scariest thing in the world.


My mom got back from o.k. and my mom and b.f. thought it would be kool. to celabrate me visting and being back home. had some tequila. i couldnt hang so i got tired and slept.


i saw my moms b.f. as a father figuer as in the dad i never really had. i 'm 24 by the way.


well i was pretty drunk. next thing i kno. i wake up to him feeling me up!!.

at 1st i thought it was my b.f. but then i felt a beared kissing my neck? and in my head i'm like omg!! and the thing he was askin me to do and saying to me omg !!


remind ya'll he just asked my mom to marry him!!.

i kno if i tell my mom... she'll kill him and i dont wanna ruin her happyness.and idk how to tell her. i feel so torn and messed up right now.

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Im so sorry this has happened to you your in an awful situation but its important you look at the facts. You were drunk, you were asleep. You had no control of the situation. What he did to you was so out of line and it needs to stop right away.


I know its hard and I know you dont want to ruin your Moms happiness but you need to protect her as well as yourself. He took advantage of you. Just imagine the shoe was on the other foot, wouldnt you rather know that your boyfriend tried to take advantage of your child in this sexual way? So you could kick him to the curb?


I dont mean to sound pushy but this is the sort of thing you read about and when the victims of sexual abuse do not come forward it usually will happen again. Would you be able to deal with that?


I know being 24 you feel as though your an adult and you are but you are still her child and what he did was wrong on so many levels. Please take my advice and do yourself and your mother a favour.


Like I said I am really sorry you have had to go through this. If you need to talk more feel free to PM me



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He abused you. Plain and simple. What kind of man do you want your Mom to marry? Someone low enough to take advantage of someone? Please tell your Mom, or someone else in your family that you trust.

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Tell your mom right away. She may not like it, she may not believe you, but she deserves to know the kind of man she's marrying.


Like KG said, he abused you, plain and simple. He had no right to do that. Imagine what he may have done if you hadnt' woken up and caught him... *shudder*


What did you say when you found out? Did you confront him?

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I'm wondering if the guy was smashed drunk and thought that he was crawling in bed with your mom. Did he pass out beside you? Did you get up? Did you push him off? What did yoiu both do?


It sounds like he has no idea that he crawled in bed with you. When we get drunk we do some stupid things. It may just be one of those stupid things.

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I've never been THAT drunk, and I've killed my share of brain cells through the years.


I have been. I've woke up in strange beds with people that I didnt know. I've even woke up in a flower bed outside of someone's house. I have no idea to this day what Iwas doing there.


When you drink to the point where you black out, you dont have any idea what you are doing.

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I think that's key... if he was completely smashed himself and didn't realize what he was doing... it's still very VERY wrong but it's something that can be dealt with and put behind you...


what did you say when you realized what he was doing? what did he say in response?


if he wasn't smashed then there is ZERO excuse and you need to tell your mother ASAP

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If he was aware that he was in bed with YOU, then there is intent, and that is serious.


The only way this man shouldn't be removed from your life and the life of your mother is if he was so completely smashed that you're sure he thought you were your mother.


If he knew you weren't your mother, no matter how drunk he was, than he is a predator, plain and simple.

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Tell your mom right away. She may not like it, she may not believe you, but she deserves to know the kind of man she's marrying.


Like KG said, he abused you, plain and simple. He had no right to do that. Imagine what he may have done if you hadnt' woken up and caught him... *shudder*


What did you say when you found out? Did you confront him?


no i didnt comfront him...or say a thing right now we are avoidin eachother.


... i was laying on my footon... and pretty nocked out

i gues the dude was down stairs with for awhile. and i said to my self thank god i snapped out of my state. becuz for all i kno. he wouldv raped me. and then i would really be p-off u kno. i'm angery enough as it is. i mean come on dude i trusted u to keep me safe. i saw u as a dad. and then u ask my mom to marry u. and your feeling me up...or tryin fu- me? dude ur sick

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I'm wondering if the guy was smashed drunk and thought that he was crawling in bed with your mom. Did he pass out beside you? Did you get up? Did you push him off? What did yoiu both do?


It sounds like he has no idea that he crawled in bed with you. When we get drunk we do some stupid things. It may just be one of those stupid things.



the dude was drinkin and new it was me. becuz he went up stairs with my mom. becuz i remember hearing my mom tell my "step dad" to go up stairs. and thats the last thing i remember and i was nocked out. he knows what he was doin.

dosent excuse anything he wrong

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I think that's key... if he was completely smashed himself and didn't realize what he was doing... it's still very VERY wrong but it's something that can be dealt with and put behind you...


what did you say when you realized what he was doing? what did he say in response?


if he wasn't smashed then there is ZERO excuse and you need to tell your mother ASAP



i didnt say a thing i was more shocked and scared then anything. but hes was feeling on me..i remember feelin his hannd trying to go down the back of my pants. i took his hand and removed it. and tryed to cover my self. i remember his words thoe. your so beautiful... your so adorable. i remember hearing bits and pieces. i think he said wanted me to grab his penise and jerk him off or something and him saying u kno who this is b4 i had no idea who it was. i was like wdf when i figured out who.remember i was still kinda drunk. in my head i was like omg. he said for me not to be mad @ him. he kept kissing my neck and saying stuff. he tryed again. i turned over. i was scared dude. . he went in the other room. and he came back and did it again!!. i had ish like this happened to me when i was younger. but that was nothin compared to this. dude i was violate in soooo many ways. i feel degrated i felt like my dignity was flown out the window or what was left of it

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so you think your mom would be happy to marry a guy who physically assualts her daughter?

would that be your idea of 'happily ever after'?


tell your mom. you have to. its whats best for her, she needs to know.

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