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My Girlfriend got hit by some guy..

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Well this is kind of a strange story but here goes.


My girlfriend is 16, and has been through some of the drug experiences and has a general feel of the "drug world." Well her good friend (not a good friend if you ask me) is in deep trouble right now with her parents and her family for heavy drug abuse. Well my girlfriend went over to her house to help her out a little bit, so she didn't feel so alone. So girlfriend goes by her side to help her. Well then my girlfriend slept at her friends house that night, meanwhile some 30 year old guy comes up to her room and knocks on the door. He and my girlfriend's friend start making out or whatever. So my gf leaves the room and sleeps on the couch.


That morning I head down to my gf's house (45 min away). At that same time her friend ended up going to the 30 year old guys apartment, and getting brutally abused. Not hitting but forcing himself on her. So my gf's friend calls my gf and asks my gf to pick her up. My gf starts heading to pick her up. At this time I gave my gf a call and said "I am on my way down, I will see you in a bit" and she said "ok gotta go then" I replied "what do you mean." She came back with a small lie "I have to take a shower before you get here."


Well she wasn't here. She went to get her friend. Well I get to my gf's house and she isn't there. Her mom is like freakin out looking for her. My gf comes back about 30 min later. She talks to her mom then she came to talk to me. I wasn't angry, I didn't think about her lieing to me, she was just crying and really upset. After helping her cool off a little bit she told me the whole story. This 30 year old guy pushed her up against the wall and pinned her. She had her cell phone in her hand and started beating on the guys head (or so i am told, I don't really believe her). Anyways so she got a bruise on the back of her head. So I am lying there thinking "what the hell was she doing, what the hell should I be thinking/doing about this." All I said was "sometimes its hard to choose your friends, they shouldn't lead you into these situations" Then I talked about getting the police and she said no. I then began telling her that I was getting pissed off that she wasn't calling the police or doing anything about it. She refused to tell me his name and she had "FORGOTTEN" where he lives.... I just sat there and just kind of looked at her. I didn't say anything more, I waited till she spoke again. I don't know what to do.


I told her that her lieing didn't bother me so much. I am just really confused about what to do. I am angry she didn't do anything about it. But there are sometimes when she likes to be dramatic for attention.


I don't 'know what to do. What might I be doing right now (this was 2 nights ago).


I can't even think what I should be angry about.


ForAnother [/i]

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Ok your right that your / her friends shouldnt have lead her into that situation but if a situation liek that arrises then its only right that you go back your friends up!! its what friendship is all about...... being there and about u getting involved well if she doeasnt wnat you too maybe you should respect that and just leave it be if he should try contact her / come to her / your house then you should pummel that creep.. even if your g/f doesnt want you involved if your g/f's friend wants you to help out in the beating of this weirdo 30 Yr old then you should help her out maybe?


BTw how old is your G/F?

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I think that right now you should be supportive whether you think she's being dramatic or not. I strongly doubt she gave herself that bruise, so quit thinking that she's lying and be there for her! It must've been a rather traumatic experience and right now she doesn't need you complaining about her not contacting the police. She's obviously scared, and she needs your love. When she's ready she'll do something about the whole situation. Maybe talk to her parents and see what they think, perhaps they can do something to help.

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find out who it is and correct the situation the right way. Violence solves most problems, and this is one of those problems. reading that story pisses me off. By anychance if u live in florida gimme a call 407-435-7664 i am foreal ill come help u out. just gimme 10 minute to read the story and remind myself why i am mad. hehehe seriously though.

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i think u really jus need to be there for her, if it happened to my g/f i might do something a bit extreme like make sure the guy that did it never has a chance to do it to anything to anyone again, but im not saying u should, and dont hold me responsible if u do,u really just need to be there for her.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Well, what I guess is you're sensing something is fishy about the story. Maybe you're wondering if he forced himself on her? You've got a right to ask. I'm not sure if you guys do drugs, but maybe she had another reason to be at his apartment? After all, she got into the apartment somehow so she could get pushed and pinned against the wall. Why would she go into the apartment instead of her friend coming to the door? Why would the guy even open the door to begin with and let her in instead of just not answering the door? How did she know where he lived? If her friend is in a bad situation over there, I don't see how she has time to explain to her where a completely unknown apartment is, so to the point that she finds it. I hate to sound like an a-hole, but those are questions you need to get answers to. She might have more problems she needs help with than getting hit.


Once you find out where it is, I think you should make an anonymous tip to ATF and let them know he's keeping weapons and drugs at the house. (ATF is generally more responsive and brutal than the local police.)

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm going to agree with sebaot on this one. There are a lot of things that sound fishy from what you say, and while you should be supportive of her, I think those are questions you have the right to know. Obviously, something strange was going on that got her in that situation.

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