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Any ideas for a practical joke

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Ok here's the deal. Someone I used to talked online offended me (like 3 months ago) greatly enough to make me cry (now I'm looking for him, lol he doesn't know). In the future as soon as I get back to the US, I'm going to travel all the way there in the northern part of the US to meet that idiot face and face.


I know at what state he is located in now as well as his name and last name.

No one ever humiliates like me that again. No one ever will call me an HO again. I was first thinking of a disguise or dressed up as a man, LOL yea that'll have him fooled.

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Maybe you should work on yourself and the concept of forgiveness rather than harboring a 3 month old grudge with some online guy.
It's not that easy. See it's about a board game I want to play him but without him recognizing me. I would forgive only if he admits he was wrong, but I'll still want to meet him face to face.


Thing is when insulting someone, you never know who you're dealing with. What if I was crazy enough to go something to him as a result, but I'm not. I just wanna play him a game, beat him at it and then talk face to face. Or just play him the game under a disguise and after winning, tell him at the end who I'm I and not to ever humiliate like that again.


I was his friend anyways, how dare he treats a friend like that.

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Do you really want to waste all of your time and energy tracking some dude down over calling you a name? I'm not trying to diminish your experience, but why not save that time and money for the people that appreciate you.
Yes I do. I got to play him a game of checkers and beat him at it. Prove to him I'm good enough and then tell him not to humiliate me again, to don't talk trash to me. He hates people talking trash to him, so do I.
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Thing is when insulting someone, you never know who you're dealing with. What if I was crazy enough to go something to him as a result, but I'm not.


Really? You seem pretty obsessed over this issue, and traveling to his home town just to get even seems crazy to me.

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And when you show up at his door you are going to end up looking like a psychopathic stalker. I highly doubt that's going to earn any respect from him.


This isn't about him, it's about you. Let it go and move on.

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Really? You seem pretty obsessed over this issue, and traveling to his home town just to get even seems crazy to me.
Yes I might be obsess about playing him on a checkersboard. I even dreamed about him and playing him the game like 3 times. In my dream I was winning while he had not much to say.


In another dream same thing and in the last one I was looking for him, found him but ran when he saw me (on the dream he had a confused look on his face) and also there were a lot of checkersboard tables.


It's not his house I'm looking for, it's where he plays the checkers tournament.

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It's clearly not about checkers.
It's both at the same time, mainly checkers. Then yeah at the same time have a talk with him after the game, explaining to him that I only travel all the way to (think it's either New York or New Jersey) there just to play him, thus also meeting him face to face.
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No offense, but if someone went out of their way to travel to me and dress up as a man, I would think they were insane and laugh.


I don't know the back story, but I don't think you should waste so much time and energy on someone who made you cry. The best revenge is to forget it and move on with your life. The more you do to get them back, just shows how much they got to you.

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I don't know the back story, but I don't you should waste so much time and energy on someone who made you cry.
The backstory is me wanting to play him a boardgame of checkers on a national checkers tournament which he plays at with his friend and prove I'm good at it.
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It's both at the same time, mainly checkers. Then yeah at the same time have a talk with him after the game, explaining to him that I only travel all the way to (think it's either New York or New Jersey) there just to play him, thus also meeting him face to face.




Wouldn't your long distance boyfriend be upset if you did this? Since you're getting married this coming December, do you really think this is a good idea?

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The backstory is me wanting to play him a boardgame of checkers on a national checkers tournament which he plays at with his friend and prove I'm good at it.



It seems like an awful lot of effort to travel all the way there just to play him.


You're better off using that time to take a leisurely trip somewhere else, for YOURSELF. Shopping, good food, the possibilities are endless.

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Wouldn't your long distance boyfriend be upset if you did this? Since you're getting married this coming December, do you really think this is a good idea?
Not really. He already knows I want to be a checkers champion as well as me wanting to play him.

What he thinks it's dumb is me wanting to meet him with a costume instead of playing him face to face as myself.


But see this will be sometime in the future after we get married and I become so good at checkers enough to participate on its tournaments and then once I'm ready I'm play him there.

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You're better off using that time to take a leisurely trip somewhere else, for YOURSELF. Shopping, good food, the possibilities are endless.
Thanks but I don't like shopping that much. I really want to be a checkers champion.


Food yeah I like eating too.

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The backstory is me wanting to play him a boardgame of checkers on a national checkers tournament which he plays at with his friend and prove I'm good at it.


You know you are good. That is all that should matter. If you won, what would that accomplish? Beating a jerk to a game of checkers? I'm guessing you're upset and not thinking rationally. But you should really just leave it alone, and forget him. He doesn't deserve your time.

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You know you are good. That is all that should matter. If you won, what would that accomplish?
No I need to improve a lot more on the game. He right now knows more about the game than me, but not for long (I will get better than him).

My mission is to compete with many people on the checkers tournament is he is on my list right now.

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If you won, what would that accomplish
I would be a dream come true to me, a great accomplishment. I would then be like ''Remember me, it's me the one who you called a phony, HO and kept saying I was cheating you on the game and well as you can see I'm not''.
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I would be a dream come true to me, a great accomplishment. I would then be like ''Remember me, it's me the one who you called a phony, HO and kept saying I was cheating you on the game and well as you can see I'm not''.



So it isn't about checkers then......as I said


You don't need this guy to tell you that you are not a "phony HO" . If you know you're not- that is all that matters.


Since you seem to care a lot about what he thinks of you: He might think you are mentally unstable for travelling there to see him for that reason.


You need to forget the whole idea.

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