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Okay okay - so I've been seeing this guy for a month (give or take) and we DEFINITELY have chemistry and it is obvious that he's as into me as I am into him - of COURSE we've fooled around, but it's never gotten to full on sex... usually with hookups or even "friends with benefits" it was no problem at all getting to that point but it's different this time... when we fool around it's not like just random groping and touching - i actually care about making him feel good (not just in the obvious places either... from the forehead to the toes I want him to feel good) and I very much sense the same thing from him. SO - through all this rambling let me come to my point ---- How should I go about bringing up full on sex? I mean, I don't want to just outright say "can i f**k you" or anything completely trashy like that... but it's too soon (and a little corny) to say something like "can i make love to you" - how do I convey that I want to go to that level without making it sound trashy but also keep it from sounding like too much (eg - "make love"). I guess when I ask I want him to get the impression from my choice of words that I'm into this with the intention of his pleasure too - not just my own. Hope this didn't sound completely ridiculous - thanks in advance.

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"y'know, I've been thinking about sex... and was wondering if you'd like to get busy with me... If it's too soon, that's cool, but I was just wondering..."


At least that starts the conversation, states what youa re feeling and asks where he is at...

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