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Some Questions.


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Ok first question I didn't know what topic to put it in so i piggy backed on another question. i'm a guy and 15 and my nipples hurt. I touch them and it feels like a small stone is under the skin. I asked my friends and they said they had it and it went away like a year ago. Which brings me to my next question there is this girl I like and i've know her for all of my life. i love her so much. but now it's starting to be something more i've started liking her more than a friend but she sees me as just a brother or really good friend. i'm also a skinny kid who's not even sure he's gone through puberty yet. which you have no idea how much that sucks. A freshman in high school with not enough body hair to cloth an atom. Argh. Thanks if anyone can make an answer come out of this. -Logan


Also the other night I was talking to her and i said I was jealous that she had kissed my best male mate. Jsut kidding arond with her. then she's like you woldn't want to kiss me i'm sarah. I told her i would but she didn't really respond. Later I thought i made an ass of myself so I texted her and said that and she replied. "No way" i'm so confused. And I love her so much even ifnothing more than friend ship happens I love her. I love her.

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Don't know what advice I can give you for the hair problem, that will come and then you won't want it anymore, but as for your nipples that is a normal thing. I can remember going through that myself.. Don't be in such a hurry to grow up. You are in the best times of your life right now.. Enjoy it.


As for the girl... Hehehehe good luck they are hard to figure out... But if I had to guess she likes you, you just need some confidence in yourself and you will do fine!

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