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Not Ready for a Relationship Right Now


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She just texted.


"So after i talked to you yesterday i decided i really wanted to see my mom so i'm actually going home to surprise her for mom's day"


Obviously I can't be upset about someone wanting to spend Mother's Day with their mother, but the timing of the decision makes me feel like she second-guessed her decision to have dinner with me and came up with a way to get out of it.


I don't even know what to text back. This cancellation makes me realize just how excited I was to see her again tonight.

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She's flaky and for all her earlier talk of caring about your feelings, she doesn't. She's inconsiderate.


The worst part is that she didn't use to be like this - but recently it's been a lot different.


I tried to be cool about it in my text back: "ok - have fun! i'm sure she'll be very happy to see you. hopefully sometime this week we can find time to hang out... wednesday night would work for me"


No response yet and to be honest, it's pretty doubtful that I'll get one back today. I hate the feeling of trying to stay busy to take your mind off of it, but secretly trying to will your phone to vibrate and hoping that she'll text something back. It just makes me anxious all day.

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