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First Time Having Sex

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Hi, I'm a 15 year old female and in a relationship with a guy thats 18. Hes 2 years 9 and half months older than me. We been best friends for the last 4 months and we started to go out as boyfriend/girlfriend 3 weeks ago. Him and I are thinking of having sex. It will be my first time. I'm nerous. I'm afriad its gonna hurt me. I know he loves me and I love him so I know if we do have sex he anit gonna leave me. HELP ME PLEASE!!!

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Not to get all parental-sounding on you, especially since I'm not a parent and am horrified by the thought-but DON'T HAVE SEX YET! You've known this guy only 4 months and only been dating 3 weeks and you're going to give up the most precious thing to him? I'd hope not!


I know teen relationships seem to move faster than adult relationships, but stilll.........let him wait for it, and make sure you're really ready for it when you do have it. Yes, it's going to hurt, I can tell you that right now. You will NOT enjoy your first experience, that's almost a given. But I BEG you to wait awhile and make sure that you're giving this most intimate part of yourself to the right guy. You're so young-I wouldn't have even THOUGHT about having sex at 15, I waited till I was 19 to do the deed, and even then, it was a mistake, because I was doing it for the wrong reasons.


If you MUST have sex-make SURE you use protection, i.e. a condom. No excuses whatsoever. Yes, you can get pregnant your very first time having sex. Keep that in mind, and I wish you the wisdom to wait a bit and let yourself mature somewhat and make sure he truly loves you and appreciates what you're sacrificing for him before doing this!



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i know you may not want to here it but the best choice would not to have sex at all. but if you still want to do it, and are scared its gonna hurt you may want to buy a dildo, so you can get used to the feeling. Its the only way to get an idea of how it feels. Make sure you have plenty of lubrication, otherwise it might not fit. It might be embarrassing for you buying a dildo and lubrication if you didnt already have these items. So, try to find a place thats not gonna be crowded, so spencers at the mall wouldnt be the best choice. Try to get other items to blend in like maybe some of that chocolate flavored body cream or a feather boa. No one will know, and you probally wont ever see the clerk again. Good luck.....

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Both girls have posted commendable comments, please listen carefully to their advice, I agree absolutely.


Thought you might like a male perspective. By the way i'm 30. At 18 a boy is extremely unpredictable and to be quite frank, what he says and what he does are two completely different things. I know I was one to! So in respect to your "I know he loves me and I love him so I know if we do have sex he anit gonna leave me", he might stay he might not, their are too many factors, it is not a good enough reason to sleep with him.


Its seems a little soon for this action but you could make the relationship more intimate by so many other things you can do together in the bedroom, just make it clear to him that its too soon for intercourse. If he behaves himself, you'll enjoy yourself. If he lacks respect and self control, you need to think twice about the boy.


You should spend more time concentrating and enjoying other aspects of the relationship, the sexual aspect is only 20%, work more on the other 80%, give 5% sexual activity to keep him interested. If he complains or threatens to leave - DUMP HIM - he may love you but he's only after one thing.


In short then ..... don't have sex its too soon, you'll regret it. May be explore (!?) in the bedroom to have some fun and intimacy.


PS... I've had many relationships and four of the girls were virgins, NOT one of them was younger than 20. What you have is precious, don't waste it!

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Hi, Thanks for the advice. My boyfriend and I were together last night and talk long and hard about it. We have decided for my sake since this is my first time to wait for when its right. We decided to bring this topic up when were goin out 4 months. Me being virgin is something I want to lose to someone I love, not that I don't love him its just I'm 15. I know by waiting it anit gonna change our realationship because hes willing to wait for me. About the topic protection everyone is bringing up. I'm going on the birth control pills in about two weeks, not for the sex reason but other reasons. I also will use a condom at the same time. I don't want to be pregant at 15, I can't afford a baby. THANKS

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Me being virgin is something I want to lose to someone I love.


Your virginity is not something you want to lose to someone you love but rather something you want to give to someone you love. It would be the greatest gift a bride can give to her groom. It's good to see that there are so many other members concerned about your welfare. Listen to their advice.

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