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Having a hard time...


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Me and my girlfriend just got back together after a 2 week break. We have a 19 month old son together. She is living 45 min away from me with my son. Anyways i have not forced moving back in together nor have i even asked to hang out with her lately. Im letting her do all the pursuing. She keeps telling me how much she misses me and how much she loves me. Am i doing the right things, i rarely call her like i said im letting her do all the pursuing.. this is really hard, i want to just live with her and our son again..

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I think you're starting off the right way. I think you need to gradually ease into talking to her more because if you keep letting her pursue she's going to get frustrated and think you're not trying to put in the effort. Playing hard to get only works for a certain amount of time. Start talking to her more and getting back to a good solid relationship with her and eventually the time will come where you'll be able to get where you want to be.

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i said that we should take it a bit slow..but im getting a little frustrated now.. i dont get to see my son but 2 days a week.. she has not job doesnt go to school right now.. and im sitting here working 5 days a week and going to school 3 days a week.. she has it easy.. but at least im not bugging her to hang out with me, i dont even ask anymore..

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I don't know if I was her I would want to know you want me. I would want to feel like your putting energy into getting back together.


Me and my husband really talked for the first time since we got together 15 years ago. He really laid out his feelings, some made me mad, some made me sad, but when I woke up the next day I felt like this weight had been lifted off of me. I really felt like I knew what was going on in his head. I don't need to guess anymore, the talk also let me know that there were some things about myself that I should try and change for me and him.


Good Luck, I hope it all works out for you.

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i dont think she waiting on me to bring it up, i told her that i understand her need for space and that im here when she's ready to move back intogether.. which she was really thankfull for.. i feel that its best that i just wait it out and see how things progress..am i doing the righ tthing

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