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I've been split with my ex, who I loved very much, for almost a year. She played me and went off with someone else in the town in whuich we both live.

I have had a few relationships since, initially I hated them and was just going through the motions. I have now found a stable loving relationship with someone for the last 4 months.

But I still find myself thinking about the ex every day. Not a day has passed since when I havent thought about her. These days its mostly anger, but sometimes its regret etc. To be honest its now getting beyond a joke. I want to not think about her any more. Its so tiring. It doesnt help that I occasionally see on or both of them, or hear news about them.


Any suggestions?

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i'm experiencing almost the same feelings lately and yeah, it does drive you crazy...

but my friend once told me this too, shall pass... and i believe her. ive been through many tough times, thinking the sadness and hurt would never end, but eventually it will. i dont know if i can help a lot, b/c i havent figured out the solution for my own similar predicament. but what i can say is just to carry on w/ your life as you would any other day, and dont try hard to not think about your ex, b/c the harder you try, the more you'll think about her. Go out and have fun, b/c when you are truly having fun, all your troubles leave your mind, and youll be happy.... ... i kno ive just been rambling on and on, but i hope this helps. Good luck...

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Not to make you feel worse or more depressed, but I don't think you will ever forget them. I mean seriously, if you invested that much time and love into someone do you really forget it? You will always have feelings for that other person. They do get less and less overtime, but you still always will wonder what they are doing, how they are feeling..


And don't think that other person who you think hates you and never thinks about you does not do the same thing. They do. Of course they won't tell you about it, but they still have feelings for you if they are in another relationship or not.


I guess thats one bright spot!

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Hey Tolly,

It's only been 6 weeks since I last saw my ex, two weeks since I last contacted him and I think about him incessantly. I am also getting a little p#ssed about it. I want to move on and feel like I can't because everything reminds me of him. I mean everything.

I read somewhere that when you think about him (or her) that you should say this affirmation to yourself: "I have let you go. I am now free" or something to that effect. I've just started doing that, so I'm not sure how much it works, but I'm hopeful. Just something to keep in mind next time they enter your mind. And keep checking in here, cause it helps alot.


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