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Advice needed please - should i get the morning after pill?!

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I was with a guy who i am casually dating yesterday & things went too far and we started to have sex before i knew what was happening. I cannot go on the pill for medical reasons and because of this i am usually very careful about contraception however this time i made a mistake. He had been inside me for no more than around 10/15 seconds when we stopped it but i am still concerned that there could be a chance of pregnancy. There is no risk of STDs/STIs as we have both been recently tested.

I had my last period from the 7th - 11th of March, if i had sex yesterday (16th) what are the chance i could b pregnant? I know this was a VERY brief period of intercourse and thereforeeee he did not ejaculate inside me but i am aware that there may have been pre-cum containing sperm which could result in pregnancy?

I am considering getting the morning after pill tomorrow, is this advisable in my situation?

Thankyou, i am very grateful for any help.


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The chances of you getting pregnant from that are extremely low, though not 0, and ru486 can really mess you up. It's not fun from what I hear. I would chill if it were me, but It's not. Lets just put it this way. Condoms have a 15% failure rate at preventing pregnancy, so it's probably no more of a chance than you have taken any other time you have had sex.

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I know the side effects can be really unpleasant but i'm terrified at the thought of being pregnant. If there was pre-cum then are the chances of me being pregnant not high enough to need the ECP?

I don't want to end up having to have an abortion and i'm really not ready to have a child...i realise i may be slightly paranoid here tho


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... the morning after pill is an abortion if you did get pregnant... It's just that you never have to know weather or not it really was or not. To tell you the troth, I would be more willing to bet that your not pregnant now than if you were to have sex using any contraception other than the pill. It's not a chance I would take again though.

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the chance is very very low, but if you do decide that most likely you insurance will cover the doctor's visit needed(the morning-after pill is not an over the counter drug, it is a prescription drug). You can goto your local hospitals ermegency room, or if there is a planned parenthood you can get it there. I do know that insurance will cover the doc apointment, and the purchase of the pill itself too. Of course it is up to you. It also isnt necesarly considered abortion like the last person stated. If it were, than Brith Control pills would be also, because tehy are essentially the same thing, just this is a much stronger dose(that doesnt mean u can take birth control like you can this, they are still different). Just be ware, for a few days afterwards you will most likely be very uncomfortable and in pain, that is what happened to my X when she took it. Hope this helped!

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