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question for anyone who is or has been sexually active? (about sex-drive)


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Well, I think my question will seem naive, because i really don't know much about this, seeing as how I haven't experienced it for myself yet. I wanted to ask those who are / have been sexually active :


did your sex-drive turn out to be a lot different than you thought it would be before you lost your virginity?


I'm asking because, as someone who has not done it yet - I sometimes read about people who say that they feel like having sex everyday or several times a day, and I can't imagine feeling that way lol.

I can imagine maybe doing it every few days or something, but everyday is difficult for me to wrap my mind around. For some reason, i imagine sex being more enjoyable if there is some time in between..

But would my ideas completely change once i experience it?


Once you had experienced sex, did your expectations completely change? Did you find yourself wanting it a lot more than you had initially anticipated wanting it?

I really can't picture myself wanting to do that everyday lol, but my perspective is limited, i guess?


I'm sorry if this is a stupid question. Maybe some people are thinking: well of course, it completely changes once you experience it! lol, but as i said, it's hard for me to comprehend for now.

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My desired frequency really increased for the first few months of consistent sex (with an awesome partner). I went from just having a daily orgasm to wanting it more like twice a day and sometimes several times a day if there had been a break and it was the weekend.


I think it would be very tough to predict as a female. I bet you see answers all accross the board. I know several women who had low to moderate sex drives who didn't want it very frequently after they lost their virginity. Some were more like rabbits. ymmv.

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Well before I had sex, I was like you. I thought there's got to be better things to do and that sex is just another activity; it wasn't a need and I wouldn't crave it. And to answer your question directly: Yes, my expecations were completely wrong.


Do I need it everyday? No. Would I like to have it everyday... No, but 5 times a week would be wonderful!


I do crave it, I do need it, I get real grumpy without it. I want it wayyyyyyyyyy more than I thought I would. I didn't realize I had the hormones of a teenaged boy. Even my friends say my hormones are uhh higher than average.


Who cares until you get there. Just don't make too many assumptions!

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I like sex at least daily, always have, virgin or not, partner or not. The upper limit of my interest level varies greatly depending on both internal (hormones) and external (opportunity, exercise, relationship). When I was younger I wasn't ever interested in more than twice a day (now I can be) but I'm not sure if the difference is internal or external or both.

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I like sex at least daily, always have, virgin or not, partner or not. The upper limit of my interest level varies greatly depending on both internal (hormones) and external (opportunity, exercise, relationship). When I was younger I wasn't ever interested in more than twice a day (now I can be) but I'm not sure if the difference is internal or external or both.



Think about it all the time, but 'our' record, the wife and I, was 11 times in a fortnight.

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Yes and no, before I lost my virginity to my now boyfriend I didn't really care for sex. After I had sex I still didn't really care for sex because it's not as I had hoped but I do find myself missing it and such, I have mixed feelings lol. But sex is something I can't control, my boyfriend is always working in the OR so we have sex maybe once or twice a month so it's much more enjoyable because it's been just that long. So yes I want it more than I expected but it's really only because I rarely get any because he's so darn busy! I can't really imagine doing it everyday though, but who knows if given the opportunity maybe I will.

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thanks everyone. I probably should just not worry about any of this until i cross that bridge (and i don't know when that will be...)

I just feel kind of bad when i read some people's threads about sex, and i find myself wondering why it is that the idea of doing this everyday doesn't appeal to me.

You know the saying: ''even too much of a good thing....'' I kind of think of sex in the same way..i don't know if that is right or wrong.

I just imagine it being much more exciting or fulfilling when there is some time left in between, just as with many other things.

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did your sex-drive turn out to be a lot different than you thought it would be before you lost your virginity?


yes. i had barely thought about actually doing it when i was a virgin. i knew i would eventually, but the moment we started being intimate i actually really started to think about sex (this was before penetration but other activities). that's when i really wanted to be physical all the time.


Did you find yourself wanting it a lot more than you had initially anticipated wanting it?


i never thought that i would want it only 1 time a week and not 5, no, that was never in my mind when i was a virgin. i still don't really base it on # of times a week. i just did not know i would be as passionate while doing it. sometimes i want it 18 times a week, sometimes just once. it varies.


don't worry, it was hard for me to comprehend too. well actually i never really took the time to comprehend. but i was afraid of seeing a penis in front of me before. i think because my girlfriends told me about THEIR bad experiences. i thought mine would be bad too. but it wasn't at all.

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