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b/f lacking sexual desire

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I have an issue here. My b/f and I have been together for 9 months now and he is a great guy. We really love eachother and enjoy eachothers company. There is only one problem. He doesn't really like to have sex much. He just moved away so I can only see him on the weekends and I really look forward to spending some quality time with him. I don't know if its me here or what. We have sex probably like once on the weekends and thats it for him. Its not enough for me. He says that he is just too preoccupied with watching sports and playing poker on the internet but he really loves me and enjoys my company. Just to let you know that even though he loves his poker and he loves his basketball he does make me feel loved and we do go out and have fun and stuff, but its just that he's not very sexual. When we first started dating we always had sex, like twice a day. I know that he takes Paxil once in a while cuz he has anxiety and I know that is a major red flag, but I feel like he has no sexual desire for me anymore. No matter how much he tells me how beautiful I am and how much he loves me inside and out I still feel hurt here. One thing I noticed since we first started dating is he's really shy about his body. He likes to have sex in the dark or after we are done he will hurry up and put something on. Not only that what upsets me even more is that he has his own place now and doesn't want to take a shower with me. I don't understand him. I love having sex with him and I know he enjoys it with me but I don't understand why he is satisfied with 1 day out of the whole week. What do I do here?

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You mentioned your b/f taking Paxil for anxiety, which could explain a few things. Often such medications can affect your sexual drive, making you unable to orgasm, or simply make you not want to have sex at all.


The best thing you can do is talk to your b/f, maybe find out some more about the medication he's on. Loss of sex drive is a symptom that he can tell his doctor about - possibly he can be put on something else - there are many alternative medications.


But, you two love each other, and at the end of the day, you'll work it out - but TALK about it! Don't live in quiet desperation......


Hope this helps

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Great Advice Willo, i can see your new here, and already i can tell your a knowledgeable person..


He is right about talking with your B/F about his sex drive, (Communication is what needs Too Commence between you and your B/F)


It's now clear , and makes some sense looking at what Willo said above that this medication he is taking could very well be the source to his lack in sexual thoughts, i.e. not wanting to have sex...it could have something to do with "testosterone level" and how much is produced, if any at all...your B/F isn't an abnormal, he is just like all men, at least most of us..every 7 sec's we think about Sex..just getting him back to that is what needs to be done.


I know i have...but Have you ever noticed how since the late 90's into the year 2000-Now all medication adds on TV, or in magazines have a Serious side effects list...Well i think this "Paxil" might have a side effect, that being Sexual Drive for Men.


Sort of the Opposite of Viagra, Funny how Those little pills, with golden seals, make things *sometimes* worse. But talk to the doctor, or you can even search the Web to find out more about what this pill does..besides helps with anxiety.



link removed I figure i would at least provide the Link..Hope i helped, good luck!

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It sounds like to me that he has other problems & if his desire for you has been declining it would appear he isn't going to be able to satisfy you sexuallly. It's so important for both parties in a sexual relationship to want to satisfy the needs of the other person. I'm sure there are other men out there that would rather play with you than their computers.

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