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My best friend was dating a guy who I didn't like the first time I met him. After dating my friend for a week, he was jealous of other guys, including my friend's husband (she was separated at the time). I kind of "put him in his place" the first night we met each other by reminding him that he had no right to be upset, but this started a fight. He got really angry at me, and since then things have never been good between us. I tried reconciling with him, but he refused. I haven't seen him in about 6 months, but he still has a huge grudge against me. About a month ago, my friend broke up with him because he was so jealous and got mad over stupid things (like he did when I first met him). When they were fighting during their breakup, her boyfriend brought me up as an issue...after all this time!!!! It has now been over a year since our initial meeting.


Unfortunately, my friend got back together with her boyfriend, and he said the only way it will work is if she lives a separate life with each of us (he and I). I agreed to "work things out" with him, but he refused. When she told her boyfriend that she mentioned to me that he wasn't interested in reconciling with me, he flipped on her. He expected her to lie about it and to pretend that he was busy and not that he really didn't want to reconcile with me. To make matters worse, now he is saying that a psychic said I am bad news and that I'm only out to "get" my friend. He keeps telling my friend to "watch her back" with me. He doesn't even know me!


I don't know what to do anymore. My friend's boyfriend has some abusive tendencies in that he gets angry over stupid things, and he sees me (her only good friend) as a threat, which is why he hates me. He also yells at her all the time for these stupid things, and my friend backs down to him. That is not like her...she is normally a very strong woman.


She knows where I stand, but I just can't support their relationship when he treats her and me like that. What should I do?

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  • 2 months later...

This guy is really going about things the wrong way. He is telling his girlfriend that she cant see both you and him at the same time, that is wrong, it is her life and she should see who she wants to when she wants to see them.


He has held this grudge for over a year? If i were you i wouldn't bother with him any more, just be friends with this girl and dont think about him. He is the person who does not want to reconcile with you and then he moans about the argument you had over a year ago. He needs to make up his mind.


Let your friend know that you do not like him, be supportive of her (not the relationship) and dont bother with her boyfriend any more. That is what i would do.



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First of all . You shouldn't have said to him that he has no right to be upset .Guys have a thing that when they are not in a good mood .They will get angry at someone who interferes in their way of expressing their emotions with angre .So be careful around guys who are sad .Don't say it with angre .

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