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How to stop feelings being so controlling..

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Having been through a break up with a girl I was seeing, it has become obvious to me that i let the break up and situation affect the way i feel about everything and that i can't get it out of my head, yes i did think that things were going amazing and that this girl was perfect for me, but due to reason's out of my hands ( her not being over her ex) she felt it was best if we didn't carry on.. now my feeling down about this affects everything i do , i feel like hiding away and keeping myself to myself, not only that but i find myself not smiling and being miserable and i know it's noticeable to others as i'm told this... I want to find a way out of feeling down like this and for me to stop thinking about it so much and even if I do for it not to control how i am and whether i'm happy or not... it's an especially difficult situation as i'm at university with her and live in the same building, so NC isn't possible and we are in the same friendship group and are in contact everyday due to the close proximity of where we live and our group of friends we are in.. so i have to go back to being friends even though i had/have these feelings of wanting to be with her. I understand now that perhaps it was not meant to be and i shouldn't hold out on her wanting to be with me, but i let it get me down and when i see her everyday at uni it makes me quiet as opposed to the massively bubbly person that i usually am... how can i prevent.. or as a start.. limit my feelings taking control of my life...

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