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40 days 40 nights


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Day 4 complete! Day 5 underway.


I have to admit, it hasn't been as difficult as I thought it would be. It helps of course that there isn't a warm body next to me in bed. At this point, sex is all I'm thinking about when I go to sleep and when I wake up, but during the day, I'm ok.


Note to self: getting into an intense discussion on ENA about maintaining fitness during marriage is a good sex drive killer.

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I may have to end mine soon. I can't concentrate well enough to study or work and it is taking a toll on my productivity. Caffeine is helping a little bit, but not much.


I had three dates planned this week and one of them is tonight. I am going to wait it out another day just in case something goes wrong and I end up in a lot of pain.

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I had three dates planned this week and one of them is tonight. I am going to wait it out another day just in case something goes wrong and I end up in a lot of pain.

I would think you'd want to test out the equipment by yourself first. Or is that what you're saying?


Closing in on day 5.

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I would think you'd want to test out the equipment by yourself first. Or is that what you're saying?


Closing in on day 5.


Good job on making it five days. Not as easy as it seems.


To answer your question, since they are first dates / "meet and greet", I was not worried about trying it with a new partner just yet. That would be an awkward conversation having to explain what was going on down there for me.


I think I may use this little trial period as a barometer for which dates to pursue. I feel more control over things tonight and can rest easy. Barely made it through this morning though thinking about the date I had last night. I know which one I'll be calling back.


Still fearful of trying it out on my own even, so one more day it is.

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Sex is a basic human need so it's obviously hard to not think about. But think about this: when you're really, really tired and you haven't slept for 60 hours all you want is a nice long sleep. Then all of a sudden a hot woman appears in front of you offering you sex - which do you choose?


Um, have her give you some head, and then doze off! (Ba-da-bump!)


...keep yourself occupied by shooting up heroin or playing World of Warcraft.


There is a difference?


Did the vasectomy thing myself. The doctor who performed the operation said, wait 5 days. It was tough, I won't lie to you. And when the 5 days were over - wow!


Cardinal - isn't it a royal drag to have three dates during a medically-enforced dry-spell? Hang in there. And good on ya for finding a likely candidate!

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alphamayle - Yep. It is a drag.


My main observations from this little forced experiment are:


1. My motivation to go out and meet women and start relationships is very high during a period like this. Even going to store, it was tough for me not to want to go talk with any girl that I thought was hot. I pretty much only do online dating, so that surprised me a bit.

2. I had no reason to want to look at porn.

3. It is highly difficult to concentrate on normal daily activities, studying or otherwise. It would be a bad lifestyle for me for this very reason.

4. I treat it kind of like a challenge and every day I make it is a success. It is mentally much like being on an effective diet and will power works reasonably well for the short run.

5. I'd require some nice remuneration if I needed to do this 40 days and 40 nights. Thankfully that isn't the case.

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How was it?

Meh, apart from the sheer volume, it was just another hj. I find orgasms from sex to be much more powerful. Speaking of, it's been a month.


Call the cleanup team, boys! We have a gusher!

Too bad it wasn't with a girl. I *definitely* would have pulled out and come on her. Would have been one hell of a clean-up, but it would have been worth the look on her face.


BTW, there's a cool Danger Diabolik Spanish movie poster on ebay at a reasonable price atm.

Ha! Yeah, I got the name and avatar from the old Italian comic book character. Danger Diabolik was the movie they made based on the comic. Of course this means it should be pronounced 'deaboleek'.

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