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I was fooling around with my dude and he slipped in for not even a minute. When I realized it wasnt his finger, I made him put a condom on. This happened on Feb 22 and I was supposed to get my period around Feb. 28. Well its March 8 and my period has not started yet. I have also had the flu for the past 2 1/2 weeks. Could my having the flu be the reason I'm late?

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Being sick and/or stressed can throw your cycle off - but you're late enough to take a pregnancy test to give you a better idea (and maybe some peace of mind). Have you had any other symptoms (very sore breasts is one of the first typical ones, not nausea generally), or is it just the lateness that has you concerned? If you do take a test, make sure you do it first thing on waking up since that's the most concentrated your urine is and will give you the most accurate result.

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Hey msmountaineer06,

Sometimes womens menstral cycles do fluctuate from time to time... Depending on stress, and your current health condition... It could be possible that you are late because you do have the flu.... Or there could could be the possiblity, that you may be pregnant which isn't very likely, from what you have described... But just to be on the safe side you might want to purchase a pregnancy test... Get a test that has an early response like, ept or first response... I know that this can be a very stressful time, of unsureness... But try out the pregnancy test, and hopefully it will give you the results that you want...

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you can talk yourself into thinking your pregnant.. it happened to me before... i was late.. so i started thinking oh my god im pregnant.. i even got sick a couple mornings... im going with the stressed thing... or youve made yourself think you're pregnant... if all else fails.. there IS that option of a pregnancy test

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