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What qualities do men look for in women????????


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Everyone is different.


For me...


Sense of humor

common interest

intellectual(not a super geek just someone who can talk about more than mundane supefical stuff)





Thats it for me


Hi, can you explain that?

I guess I know what open-minded means but in what situation did you realize that it's important?

Why couldn't you be with someone who is not open minded?

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Good looks are always a plus. based on my experience I like someone who is confident and is not very sensitive to jokes (my ex would take everything i said the wrong way), definitely have to be funny, not clingy but not distant, open to sexual activities (no man likes a girl who won't have sex or do foreplay with them. This is not expected early into the relationship and dating phase, but after some time a lack of sex will be a big no no), similar interests...there are really a lot of things that we expect in a good woman. Many of which I can't get to. Overall we don't like women who are likely to fight with us all the time, which means we don't liek overly sensitive women, women that are self centered, etc.

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Genuine is a good one. One kind of women and cannot stand to be around is the rude/ignorant women in public. I'm sure everyone has seen the one female making a scene over something minor. I hate that.


Also, being negative. It's the worst. I used to date a girl who could not stop shopping. She lived at the mall. She also never stopped crying about her debt. She was such a pretty girl too but I could not bare to be around that lol.

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Genuine is a good one. One kind of women and cannot stand to be around is the rude/ignorant women in public. I'm sure everyone has seen the one female making a scene over something minor. I hate that.


Also, being negative. It's the worst. I used to date a girl who could not stop shopping. She lived at the mall. She also never stopped crying about her debt. She was such a pretty girl too but I could not bare to be around that lol.


proof that attractiveness is so much more....

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Emotional health and maturity, physical health and good body, consistency, charm, affectionate, kind, flexible, open-minded, earthy, witty, intelligent, frugal, realistic, socially adept, accomplished, spiritual/intellectually lively, talented, secure, independent, sexy and passionate.

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Emotional health and maturity, physical health and good body, consistency, charm, affectionate, kind, flexible, open-minded, earthy, witty, intelligent, frugal, realistic, socially adept, accomplished, spiritual/intellectually lively, talented, secure, independent, sexy and passionate.


Pfft, that's easy...

LOL honestly I guess you named all the positive human qualities in a dictionary

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Emotional health and maturity, physical health and good body, consistency, charm, affectionate, kind, flexible, open-minded, earthy, witty, intelligent, frugal, realistic, socially adept, accomplished, spiritual/intellectually lively, talented, secure, independent, sexy and passionate.


Pfft, that's easy...

LOL honestly I guess you named all the positive human qualities in a dictionary


Not at all, here's a very different type that some men love but I don't fancy, in fact many men would call the below the perfect wife, let's call her "the grown-up cheerleader" or Reese Witherspoon in "Election" or "the blonde monster":


Spontaneous and exciting, blonde (colored) and tan, extremely feminine, disciplined and organized, strong organized religious beliefs, attention to detail, romantic, loves sports, not challenging intellectually, submissive in relationships, popular, few sex partners (ostensibly), pays lots of attention to her appearance.


The first list is exactly the same as what I bring to the table, so it's what I expect. Have never found them all in one woman, still looking.

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I'm thinking most women are a mixture of both types and that's why you're still looking.


What also came to my mind: "We love people not for something, but despite something." You might end up totally in love with a girl totally say "submissive in relationship etc" cause she'll have that "thing". Just my life story

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You might end up totally in love with a girl totally say "submissive in relationship etc" cause she'll have that "thing". Just my life story


There's lots of wisdom in that point also. Despite all the criteria lists in the world, we often have little control over whom we fall for.

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I like girls that talk and smile a lot - the really happy ones. How she treats other people is really important. It's not enough for her to be nice to me... her kindness needs to be something that extends accross the board.


I'm also attracted to eccentricity... if she dresses colorfully or has lots of tattoos or piercings, I find that interesting. I'm not necessarily attracted to that type per se... I'm just attracted to girls that stand out and aren't ashamed to be unique.

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