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Huge problems because of one girl...

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Ok, this is going to take a while to type out, and it's going to be long but I need some advice. ok where start...hmmm. Alright, I have a friend whom I've known for about 5 years now, and we are BEST friends. No joke. Anyway, there is a girl that he met when he started college and he bacame really just basically obsessed with her. Well, I started to go to the same college one semester after he did. So I met the same girl because they are always hanging out together and he and I are always hanging out on campus since we have the same schedule pretty much. So...me and this girl start talking and everything bla bla. Well I'm in a band, in fact my friend is in my band with me, and we have this show that is out of town. I asked her if she was going to come see us, and she said she didn't want to drive all the way out there, so I offered to pick her up and give her a ride out there. So we did that. After the show, we both decided that we wanted to leave. Well we get back to her neighborhood, and she jumps on me. We're making out, for like 30 minutes. Meanwhile cars are pulling up behind us (I was at a stop sign) and honking and then passing my truck. Well so I go "I have to move from here" so we stop and I go down the street a little bit. She jumps on me again, another 20 minutes of making out. Well finally we stopped and she's trying to go a little further but I didn't really feel comfortable, even though I wanted to. So she gets a little mad and says "fine, I'll just put my lipstick on then" and she sits there for a second as I'm pulling up to her street. All of a sudden she jumps on me again, and says "cmon, please?" and then won't let me answer cause we're kissing again. Well, it ends up that nothing more happens and she goes "ok, well I'll see you on Tuesday" and smiles. Well, I call her on Monday to say hi and all that, and we end up talking for 2 hours, and basically confess to each other that we like each other alot. Well, Tuesday comes and we never get a chance to talk while at school, then I was too busy to talk to her afterwards on the phone. Wednesday shows up, my friend and another friend found out about me and her making out and start asking, kind of joking around with her, "so are you and mike going out now?" She just got mad when they did that though. Anyway, so my friend calls her on Wednesday night and is asking her about it, and all that, and she just gets more and more upset. Well Thursday came and I had class that day so I go up to the campus and we're all hanging out in our usual spot, and she comes up and sits down like accross the room. She won't even look over at us. Well we go outside and smoke some cigs and all that, and we go back inside and we're talking and joking. The whole time she won't even look over. Well, she kept looking over at ME, but when my other friends would look over, she would look away. Well, my friend (the same friend who knew her first) goes over and tries to talk to her. She turns away from him, like, moves her whole body away, and ignores him. He's asking her "what's wrong" and "what's going on?" but she just ignores him. She almost looked like she was going to cry. Well he comes back over and then he and a couple of my other friends go outside. I jump up and go over to her and ask her what's wrong, and she just ignores me but doesn't turn away. Well I said "ok, well I'm leaving then" and I go outside with them. During the time we're outside, I keep looking in at her and she just stares at me, bla bla. Well she leaves for class, and then we all do too. When I get back, we're hanging out for about an hour and she shows up again and sits down accross the room again. My friend (yes, the same guy that already knew her) tries to talk to her some more, well she gets up all mad and tries to walk away and he gets up and follows her, she turns around and walks outside, then they are both outside talking for like 10 seconds and she flails her arms and walks off and he's just trying to keep up with her and trying to talk to her. She was very upset about something. Well, my friend (der, the same guy) talks to my mom and tells my mom what's up, and what I found out is that he had told that girl to either back off of me or talk to me about what she wants, and apparently when he did that she got upset, and he told her this on Wednesday on the phone (you remember when I told you that right? My mom is saying that I should call her and be like "I don't know what's going on, I didn't tell them that we're going out, and as far as I know, we're not" or something like that, and my other friend (no, not the guy who knew her from before, haha) is telling me to just back off for a couple of days, and BLAH! I don't know what to do or what's going on. I want to pursue a relationship with her so much, but I don't know what's going on right now! I know she feels the same about me as I do her, but we haven't talked about anything after that, yanno? My mom says that my friend (the guy that knew her) is just worried that she will hurt me. But I don't think she will. Oh, one other thing about that friend, he likes her alot, but she just wants to be friends with him. And he knows that because he and her have talked about them before, and she has told him "I just want you to be my friend" and that old stuff, yanno..Anyway, PLEASE somebody give me some advice. I'm dying here trying to figure out what to do about her, and what to do about her being upset and not talking to anybody, especially me. My AIM s/n is TFR Finchy if you want to just IM me. I'm always online and it would be much faster than this board. Latah.

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  • 2 months later...

Why would you want to pursue a relationship with her? Seriously, what's to like about this chick? So far she's been a little drama queen and nothing but. You think that's gonna change?


Well, I guess someone has to like the high-maintenance dramatic unpredictable chicks.


EDIT: damnit, I did not realize this topic was so old.

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