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need help asking girl out

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When it comes to females I am somewhat shy. Sometimes I am very confident and have no problem just talking to a girl and eventually asking her out, and then there are other times where I am shy and say a few words to her and that is it. At one of our local restaurants there is a waitress that I find very attractive.


First off how do you approach a waitress to ask her out on a date...more times than not she has been hit on before and she has probably become immune to it given the restaurant is a college hang out?


We have gone in there numerous times in the past couple of weeks and she knows me to see me and she knows my order without asking....so she is recognizing me.....I did ask if she had a boyfriend and she said that "she doesnt have a boyfriend but she is kind of dating someone." What does that mean?


Also behind my back...my friends wrote my number on the receipt with her tip and they told me after we had left the restaurant. I found this to make me look like a wuss with no confidence. I explained how I felt about it to my friends.....so they went back 2 nights later where my friend told her that she left the number not me. The waitress had no problem with it and told my friend that she had turned in the receipt and forgot to copy down the number ....but she wants to get my number again. My friend gave her my number yet she hasn't used it yet. I want to go in there and ask her out but I do not know how to approach it. Can you offer some advice on what does I am kinda dating someone mean and what would be the best possible way to approach her?



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Hey that kinda of reminds me of Alicia Keys song, but reversed... She sounds interested you, about the number thing... When you see her, give her a compliment, like you look pretty today... Something simple, but sweet, and see how she reacts... If she reacts positively, then tell her, that you have been in their a few times, and that you think she attractive, and you want to now if she would like to go out with you sometime... I don't think that there's a best way to approach it because she is at work... But I'm sure she'll be flattered... That's a sweet way of meeting someone though...

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Sorry i was having a lil kinda of a bad day when i said that..but i agree with u completely..ive had the darnest time gettin someone to know i like them without being to str8 forward, the best advice i can give to u is to be a friend to the special person u want to ask out.. study a lil on "body Language" that really helps ya to read if they are feelin u just as much as u fancy them..being urself is th ekey secret..in order to get other ppl to like u have to like ur self first..hope i helped ya sum..Love Emotional

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