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Question for guys after you have sex with a girl


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After you have sex with a girl what determines if it will progress into something more? emotional connection? how good the sex was? i had mind blowing sex with this guy after talking and getting to know each other for a month. we connected on every level, but we live over an hour apart, and both have busy lives. we both agreed to get together soon though.

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Well, the surest thing is to not have sex with a guy until AFTER the relationship becomes official. When sex happens during the getting to know you stage the sex is irrelevant to whether or not a relationship will follow. There is no magic bullet for making the relationship happen...either the two people connect on the other levels enough for the guy to want to make it a real relationship, or they don't connect on any deeper level and the relationship either fizzles out or just becomes a friends with benefits type deal. So there is really nothing you can do except be who you always are and just see how things go.

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What determines if it progresses to something more is if the two plan to see each other again, and again, and again lol. If he constantly wants to see you and the two of you do things other than sex sometimes, then its a good chance he enjoys your company and the relationship will just naturally progress.

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What determines if it progresses to something more is if the two plan to see each other again, and again, and again lol. If he constantly wants to see you and the two of you do things other than sex sometimes, then its a good chance he enjoys your company and the relationship will just naturally progress.
we would love to see each other more, but the distance is a real problem. i will just have to wait and see.
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